Rencontres Nationales de l'Habitat Participatif : L'agir en commun, au coeur des transitions
Rencontres Nationales de l'Habitat Participatif : L'agir en commun, au coeur des transitions
Après Strasbourg, Grenoble, Lille, Marseille, Nantes, et Lyon, La 7ème édition des Rencontres Nationales de l'Habitat Participatif (RNHP) se tiendra à Rennes des 4 au 7 juillet 2024.
Véritable temps d’échange entre et tous les acteurs de la ville et de l'aménagement des territoires, ces Rencontres permettent d’engager de nouvelles modalités de coopération. Elles sont également un laboratoire pour découvrir les expérimentations réalisées et les ressources existantes.
Au programme : 4 jours de rencontres sous forme d'ateliers participatifs, de tables rondes et de conférences autour de l'agir en commun et des transitions par l'habitat, ponctuées de soirées festives et artistiques.
Véritable temps d’échange entre et tous les acteurs de la ville et de l'aménagement des territoires, ces Rencontres permettent d’engager de nouvelles modalités de coopération. Elles sont également un laboratoire pour découvrir les expérimentations réalisées et les ressources existantes.
Au programme : 4 jours de rencontres sous forme d'ateliers participatifs, de tables rondes et de conférences autour de l'agir en commun et des transitions par l'habitat, ponctuées de soirées festives et artistiques.
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Faculté Sciences Économiques, 7 place Hoche
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The Non-Breakup Breakup
The Non-Breakup Breakup
An Ode to Emily
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
So you’ve been on just one date with the person so far. Or maybe traded some emails and phone calls and that’s it. And now you’re no longer interested – yet the other person still is. How do you let that person down?
It’s not really a breakup, because you two aren’t officially “going out.” But it’s still a rejection nonetheless. What do you do? How do you end things? How do you not-really-but-sort-of breakup with that person?
Here are a few ways I’ve heard about:
Ignore the person. Stop all contact. Don’t return any calls, emails, or text messages. This is the cowardly way out, though admittedly a lot of people do this because it’s easy. I’ve done it (and I’m ashamed of it), and I’ve had it done to me. The downsides include bad karma and lots of confused calls from the person, until the hint finally sinks in.
Make up an excuse. Tell the person you met someone else, or got back with your ex, or are moving away to another country, or are changing your sexual preference. Basically, lie. This is also a cowardly exit, though some opt for this instead of ignoring the person, so the date won’t try calling again. But beware – it’s a small world, and the person could catch you in this lie. Some commonly-used lies include:
“I just started another relationship and want to see where it goes.”
“I just got back together with my ex.”
“I’m moving out of the country. To somewhere far. Really far. Like, Outer Mongolia.”
“I think I’m homosexual/heterosexual.” (whatever is the opposite of what your are)
“I’m really really busy at work right now.”
“I’m taking a break from dating.”
“My Mommy says I need to stop dating.”
“I have this thing I gotta do with some people and I can’t be going out in public anymore.”
“The voices in my head are getting worse.”
“I just found out I’m going to be a daddy/mommy, and I need to start taking care of my daddy’s/mommy’s baby from now on.”
“I have gonorrhea.”
Tell the person how you feel honestly. Lots of good karma here. Many will even thank you for your honesty. A rejection is going to hurt no matter what – at least you’re doing it with honor & honesty. There are lots of ways you could word this too, from gently to directly:
“I get the ‘friend vibe’ between us.”
“I don’t think it’ll work out with us, but I think we’d make great friends.”
“You’re such a great person, though you’re not quite what I’m looking for.”
“I don’t feel like we’re a great match, but we could make good friends.”
“I don’t think we’re a good match. Sorry.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work out between us.”
“I don’t feel the physical chemistry.”
“I’m not interested.”
“You’re not my type.”
“I’m just not that into you.”
How have you handled non-breakup breakups? Share your answer on our Dating Forums!
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
So you’ve been on just one date with the person so far. Or maybe traded some emails and phone calls and that’s it. And now you’re no longer interested – yet the other person still is. How do you let that person down?
It’s not really a breakup, because you two aren’t officially “going out.” But it’s still a rejection nonetheless. What do you do? How do you end things? How do you not-really-but-sort-of breakup with that person?
Here are a few ways I’ve heard about:
Ignore the person. Stop all contact. Don’t return any calls, emails, or text messages. This is the cowardly way out, though admittedly a lot of people do this because it’s easy. I’ve done it (and I’m ashamed of it), and I’ve had it done to me. The downsides include bad karma and lots of confused calls from the person, until the hint finally sinks in.
Make up an excuse. Tell the person you met someone else, or got back with your ex, or are moving away to another country, or are changing your sexual preference. Basically, lie. This is also a cowardly exit, though some opt for this instead of ignoring the person, so the date won’t try calling again. But beware – it’s a small world, and the person could catch you in this lie. Some commonly-used lies include:
“I just started another relationship and want to see where it goes.”
“I just got back together with my ex.”
“I’m moving out of the country. To somewhere far. Really far. Like, Outer Mongolia.”
“I think I’m homosexual/heterosexual.” (whatever is the opposite of what your are)
“I’m really really busy at work right now.”
“I’m taking a break from dating.”
“My Mommy says I need to stop dating.”
“I have this thing I gotta do with some people and I can’t be going out in public anymore.”
“The voices in my head are getting worse.”
“I just found out I’m going to be a daddy/mommy, and I need to start taking care of my daddy’s/mommy’s baby from now on.”
“I have gonorrhea.”
Tell the person how you feel honestly. Lots of good karma here. Many will even thank you for your honesty. A rejection is going to hurt no matter what – at least you’re doing it with honor & honesty. There are lots of ways you could word this too, from gently to directly:
“I get the ‘friend vibe’ between us.”
“I don’t think it’ll work out with us, but I think we’d make great friends.”
“You’re such a great person, though you’re not quite what I’m looking for.”
“I don’t feel like we’re a great match, but we could make good friends.”
“I don’t think we’re a good match. Sorry.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work out between us.”
“I don’t feel the physical chemistry.”
“I’m not interested.”
“You’re not my type.”
“I’m just not that into you.”
How have you handled non-breakup breakups? Share your answer on our Dating Forums!
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Fin de l'événement
Agir pour le vivant : 5ème édition
Agir pour le vivant : 5ème édition
Convaincu·es de l’urgence de penser collectivement une organisation politique pluriverselle et de construire une écologie politique efficace, nourrie de la diversité des poétiques d’existence, des initiatives locales, des points de vue des marges et d’une mise en commun des savoirs et des pratiques situé·es, Agir pour le vivant entend contribuer, au travers de ces éditions française, camerounaises et colombiennes, à cette conversation monde.
5 Universal Dating Truths
10 Very Smart Dating Tips For Dummies
The One About When Guys Are Vulnerable…
Ladies Here’s How You Get Caught Up…Again
Are You An Interracial Relationship Racist?
When You’re Dating Somebody Who Isn’t Dating You
Do’s and Don’ts for "Nice" Guys & Girls in Dating
Three Signs You Are Dating A “Good Dude”
Cette 5ème édition sera l’occasion d’asseoir la dimension résolument citoyenne et pédagogique du projet, par le renforcement des nouveaux formats participatifs et le déploiement de l’Université du vivant, dont la première promotion fut un véritable enchantement.
Alors prenez date... Ca se passera à Arles, du 26 août au 1er septembre prochain !
5 Universal Dating Truths
10 Very Smart Dating Tips For Dummies
The One About When Guys Are Vulnerable…
Ladies Here’s How You Get Caught Up…Again
Are You An Interracial Relationship Racist?
When You’re Dating Somebody Who Isn’t Dating You
Do’s and Don’ts for "Nice" Guys & Girls in Dating
Three Signs You Are Dating A “Good Dude”
Cette 5ème édition sera l’occasion d’asseoir la dimension résolument citoyenne et pédagogique du projet, par le renforcement des nouveaux formats participatifs et le déploiement de l’Université du vivant, dont la première promotion fut un véritable enchantement.
Alors prenez date... Ca se passera à Arles, du 26 août au 1er septembre prochain !
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
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Breaking the Mold: Redefining Relationships in a Changing World
Breaking the Mold: Redefining Relationships in a Changing World
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
We have groups likes Occupy the Food System. Occupy Cargill. Or Occupy Gardens springing up. Gotta love that. And yet, they remain on the margins, not terribly sexy compared to going after obnoxious bankers, corrupt politicians, and abusive police officers. Furthermore, even these groups remain human-centric in that they are based on enlightened self interest. Without quality, healthy food, people will die. Without the space to grow it, people will suffer.
But what above movements that don't offer direct benefit to people? Or direct tangible benefits to people? What if a major wing of Occupy had to do with applying the same "step back" principles I just wrote about above to humans themselves?
How might we "occupy" ecosystems in ways that mostly benefit plant and animal diversity? And how can we teach each other to recognize that doing so is not - I repeat NOT - in conflict with our efforts to overturn human oppression and economic and social injustice?
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the planet is calling us right now. It's doing everything it can to shake humanity out of it's collective slumber and stupor, out of love, but also out of a warning of what might come if we choose to remain living as many of us currently are.
The tenacity of the dandelion is living within each of us. The graceful movements of the elm are waiting to be unleashed from our hearts. We each harbor both a lion's roar and an elephant's patience.
It is absolutely time to reclaim the bold, wild, and liberated imaginations that are our birthright. Because in doing so, we are that much closer to becoming the wild and liberated people that we are each meant to be.
Dear Occupy brothers, male supporters, and all men interested in a more liberated life,
I feel mostly alone and alienated when I am amongst groups of you. I find myself stopping, looking in each of your eyes, and recognizing the familiar twisted mess that masculinity has become. Sometimes, I don't even want to look. It's just too much to handle.
Sometimes, I have a sense of superiority with this recognition. Perhaps you hear it in my words or feel it somewhere deep inside you. Or perhaps you don't feel it at all because that is what we have been trained to do: not feel. Except anger and it's various friends. Contempt. Irritation. Impatience. Rage. I know you know these, although even they are experiences you have probably never fully had.
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
We have groups likes Occupy the Food System. Occupy Cargill. Or Occupy Gardens springing up. Gotta love that. And yet, they remain on the margins, not terribly sexy compared to going after obnoxious bankers, corrupt politicians, and abusive police officers. Furthermore, even these groups remain human-centric in that they are based on enlightened self interest. Without quality, healthy food, people will die. Without the space to grow it, people will suffer.
But what above movements that don't offer direct benefit to people? Or direct tangible benefits to people? What if a major wing of Occupy had to do with applying the same "step back" principles I just wrote about above to humans themselves?
How might we "occupy" ecosystems in ways that mostly benefit plant and animal diversity? And how can we teach each other to recognize that doing so is not - I repeat NOT - in conflict with our efforts to overturn human oppression and economic and social injustice?
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the planet is calling us right now. It's doing everything it can to shake humanity out of it's collective slumber and stupor, out of love, but also out of a warning of what might come if we choose to remain living as many of us currently are.
The tenacity of the dandelion is living within each of us. The graceful movements of the elm are waiting to be unleashed from our hearts. We each harbor both a lion's roar and an elephant's patience.
It is absolutely time to reclaim the bold, wild, and liberated imaginations that are our birthright. Because in doing so, we are that much closer to becoming the wild and liberated people that we are each meant to be.
Dear Occupy brothers, male supporters, and all men interested in a more liberated life,
I feel mostly alone and alienated when I am amongst groups of you. I find myself stopping, looking in each of your eyes, and recognizing the familiar twisted mess that masculinity has become. Sometimes, I don't even want to look. It's just too much to handle.
Sometimes, I have a sense of superiority with this recognition. Perhaps you hear it in my words or feel it somewhere deep inside you. Or perhaps you don't feel it at all because that is what we have been trained to do: not feel. Except anger and it's various friends. Contempt. Irritation. Impatience. Rage. I know you know these, although even they are experiences you have probably never fully had.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Cheap Toilet Paper and Other Dealbreakers: My List of Judgments
Cheap Toilet Paper and Other Dealbreakers: My List of Judgments
Five Subtle Signs That He Ain't Bad
Do You Expect Your Partner To Cheat?
10 Reasons Why You Will Not Get A Call Back
Why I Never Will Date A White Woman
Tiger Woods Elin Nordegren And Golfgate
The Five Worst Times To Approach A Black Woman
Why Won’T You Let Me Be Great?
What men usually hear when women are talking to us
Bedroom Tactics Gone Bad: 5 Things You Really Should Ask About.
THAT IS JUST WRONG! You shouldn’t be with someone who is even CONTEMPLATING acts of cheating with random guys or being with her ex who she’s in love with.
Respect yourself. If she really loves you she wouldn’t be writing that she is still in love with her ex. She wouldn’t be going to the prom with some guy without making sure you are okay with it. She wouldn’t have messed around with other guys or had sex with her ex. She wouldn’t lie even after she got caught. Instead she would be repentant, and truly sorry. BUT SHE TRIED TO COVER IT UP.
You want a kind of love that speaks through actions NOT just words.
Through her actions she is proving she really does not love you. And maybe it’s not even you. Maybe she doesn’t even know what it means to truly love someone else unselfishly and sacrificially. I’m sorry you have to hear this truth from me, a complete stranger. But it’s a kind of tough love that in the long run you will be grateful for if you heed it.
Many men have fallen into the trap of a deceitful, dishonest, malicious woman and their end is ruin. Do not be one of them!
Please read this article about integrity:
Good luck! I’m here to help!
DB Says:
June 30th, 2010 at 8:17 am
Well,as far as the prom thing goes,she metioned to me a few months back before I left to Colorado.She never said if she was going to go or not,but I did express my discomfort.
As far as her cheating on me,at least with her ex,I’d like to believe thats a lie because he really does have a VD.And she is very aware of this.
I just don’t understand at all.And the ex she was writing about is from a few years ago,high school stuff,but he cheated on her left and right,so why would she even think about him like that?
If she really loves me then no,she shouldn’t be doing any of those things.
And I’ve clearly expressed how I feel about,but she refuses to discuss it anymore than what she already told me,thats she’s just crazy and thinks about her life without me.
I mean she threatened to break up with me if I just didn’t leave it at that.If her answer weren’t good enough for me then too bad.
Do You Expect Your Partner To Cheat?
10 Reasons Why You Will Not Get A Call Back
Why I Never Will Date A White Woman
Tiger Woods Elin Nordegren And Golfgate
The Five Worst Times To Approach A Black Woman
Why Won’T You Let Me Be Great?
What men usually hear when women are talking to us
Bedroom Tactics Gone Bad: 5 Things You Really Should Ask About.
THAT IS JUST WRONG! You shouldn’t be with someone who is even CONTEMPLATING acts of cheating with random guys or being with her ex who she’s in love with.
Respect yourself. If she really loves you she wouldn’t be writing that she is still in love with her ex. She wouldn’t be going to the prom with some guy without making sure you are okay with it. She wouldn’t have messed around with other guys or had sex with her ex. She wouldn’t lie even after she got caught. Instead she would be repentant, and truly sorry. BUT SHE TRIED TO COVER IT UP.
You want a kind of love that speaks through actions NOT just words.
Through her actions she is proving she really does not love you. And maybe it’s not even you. Maybe she doesn’t even know what it means to truly love someone else unselfishly and sacrificially. I’m sorry you have to hear this truth from me, a complete stranger. But it’s a kind of tough love that in the long run you will be grateful for if you heed it.
Many men have fallen into the trap of a deceitful, dishonest, malicious woman and their end is ruin. Do not be one of them!
Please read this article about integrity:
Good luck! I’m here to help!
DB Says:
June 30th, 2010 at 8:17 am
Well,as far as the prom thing goes,she metioned to me a few months back before I left to Colorado.She never said if she was going to go or not,but I did express my discomfort.
As far as her cheating on me,at least with her ex,I’d like to believe thats a lie because he really does have a VD.And she is very aware of this.
I just don’t understand at all.And the ex she was writing about is from a few years ago,high school stuff,but he cheated on her left and right,so why would she even think about him like that?
If she really loves me then no,she shouldn’t be doing any of those things.
And I’ve clearly expressed how I feel about,but she refuses to discuss it anymore than what she already told me,thats she’s just crazy and thinks about her life without me.
I mean she threatened to break up with me if I just didn’t leave it at that.If her answer weren’t good enough for me then too bad.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Chicks Before Dicks: not the same as Bros Before Hoes
Chicks Before Dicks: not the same as Bros Before Hoes
A Relationship Evolved (and Happy Birthday To My Ex)
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Chicks before Dicks? Good saying, but is it true? Let’s take a recent example from my friend O. O and her boyfriend broke up and not even a few weeks later she finds out her very good friend J has broken up with her long term boyfriend and is now dating O’s ex.
O felt betrayed. By her ex for sure, but exes are expected to do shitty things. Mostly she felt betrayed by J. Her good friend who has no problem ruining their friendship over a guy.
Guys have this dumb saying that everyone has heard: bros before hoes. This is not just a saying, this is guy code. Like it’s imprinted into their DNA or etched into a Hammurabi statue of guy code that they must bow down before or else they are denied a penis. I have heard from several guys that they would give up even the girl of their dreams if there was a conflict with one of their guy friends.
However, the same does not go for our the girl equivalent of this saying: chicks before dicks. Or sistas before mistas, besties before testes. Or whatever else saying we have come up with that just doesn’t have the same rhythm as bros before hoes. Our saying does not seem to be etched in stone. We love to say it, but time and time again, I hear stories like O’s. Why is this happening to us? Why can’t we have a girl code as strict as the guy version?
In a typical situation, boys are brought up to respect individuality and encouraged to embrace selfishness. Girls are taught to respect dependence and to provide for others first. So how does this translate into our adult relationships? Guys don’t need to be in a relationship so therefore can suppress their love and put girls on a lower priority. Girls will put someone they love before all else…even if we hate to admit that.
And of course, like everything else in life, these traits fall on a spectrum. Those girls who are more independent and a little more selfish actually tend to value female friendships more, while those girls who are more dependent and nurturing tend to value having a guy in their life more. And the same spectrum is true for guys. Those that are more dependent and nurturing tend to value having a girlfriend more than their buddies.
This would mean that my friend O and I are more selfish, independent girls, and this would without a doubt be true. I value my girl friendships beyond all else, while girls like J and guys like O’s ex need to be in a relationship at all times and will give up everything and everyone in their life to make this happen.
So I guess in the end the real conclusion is not that guys have a better friendship code than girls. It’s that more independent people (girls and guys) have a better friendship code. They are not as anxious without a relationship so do not need to do whatever it takes to jump right into a relationship, including screwing over their friends.
Which leads to my lame attempt to coin a new, universal phrase: individuality before relationships. Okay so that doesn’t rhyme. How about: being alone before the bone. I know, I know…. okay one more try. How about: love your self before hanging your single life up on the shelf. A little long and convoluted, but hey it gets the point across.
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Chicks before Dicks? Good saying, but is it true? Let’s take a recent example from my friend O. O and her boyfriend broke up and not even a few weeks later she finds out her very good friend J has broken up with her long term boyfriend and is now dating O’s ex.
O felt betrayed. By her ex for sure, but exes are expected to do shitty things. Mostly she felt betrayed by J. Her good friend who has no problem ruining their friendship over a guy.
Guys have this dumb saying that everyone has heard: bros before hoes. This is not just a saying, this is guy code. Like it’s imprinted into their DNA or etched into a Hammurabi statue of guy code that they must bow down before or else they are denied a penis. I have heard from several guys that they would give up even the girl of their dreams if there was a conflict with one of their guy friends.
However, the same does not go for our the girl equivalent of this saying: chicks before dicks. Or sistas before mistas, besties before testes. Or whatever else saying we have come up with that just doesn’t have the same rhythm as bros before hoes. Our saying does not seem to be etched in stone. We love to say it, but time and time again, I hear stories like O’s. Why is this happening to us? Why can’t we have a girl code as strict as the guy version?
In a typical situation, boys are brought up to respect individuality and encouraged to embrace selfishness. Girls are taught to respect dependence and to provide for others first. So how does this translate into our adult relationships? Guys don’t need to be in a relationship so therefore can suppress their love and put girls on a lower priority. Girls will put someone they love before all else…even if we hate to admit that.
And of course, like everything else in life, these traits fall on a spectrum. Those girls who are more independent and a little more selfish actually tend to value female friendships more, while those girls who are more dependent and nurturing tend to value having a guy in their life more. And the same spectrum is true for guys. Those that are more dependent and nurturing tend to value having a girlfriend more than their buddies.
This would mean that my friend O and I are more selfish, independent girls, and this would without a doubt be true. I value my girl friendships beyond all else, while girls like J and guys like O’s ex need to be in a relationship at all times and will give up everything and everyone in their life to make this happen.
So I guess in the end the real conclusion is not that guys have a better friendship code than girls. It’s that more independent people (girls and guys) have a better friendship code. They are not as anxious without a relationship so do not need to do whatever it takes to jump right into a relationship, including screwing over their friends.
Which leads to my lame attempt to coin a new, universal phrase: individuality before relationships. Okay so that doesn’t rhyme. How about: being alone before the bone. I know, I know…. okay one more try. How about: love your self before hanging your single life up on the shelf. A little long and convoluted, but hey it gets the point across.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Congrès ESS France
Congrès ESS France
Le congrès des 10 ans de la loi ESS, c’est…
6 plénières
5 parcours thématiques
15 ateliers s’appuyant sur les « trajectoires de l’ESS » : les enjeux identifiés pour bâtir une stratégie de développement de l’ESS
Un Village des initiatives
et en parallèle du Congrès des 10 ans, ESS France propose deux types de participations qui permettront d'enrichir des publications :
d'un côté une grande consultation qui permettra de construire le Manifeste
de l'autre des contributions libres sur les 15 trajectoires, qui là aussi pourront enrichir des publications
Les contributions écrites, en complément de la Grande Consultation, ont vocation à éclairer les travaux du Congrès des 12 et 13 juin 2024. Vous pouvez transmettre votre contribution (4 pages maximum) sur l’une des 15 trajectoires de l’ESS à l’adresse suivante d’ici le 3 juin 2024, inclus.
Liste des trajectoires : Dans 10 ans …
L’ESS sera plus forte car plus coopérante ;
L’ESS sera la norme des entreprises de demain ;
L’ESS inspirera une autre conception de la valeur et de son partage ;
L’ESS pourra s’appuyer sur un écosystème de développement ;
L’ESS pourra s’appuyer sur la reconnaissance et le développement de l’innovation sociale ;
L’ESS pourra compter sur une finance alignée avec ses principes ;
L’ESS permettra à toutes et à tous une protection à la hauteur des enjeux du 21ème siècle ;
L’ESS aura retrouvé sa place légitime dans les filières de solidarité ;
L’ESS sera le pivot de la sécurité sociale alimentaire ;
L’ESS constituera la figure de proue de l’entreprise responsable ;
L’ESS sera l’expression d’une culture émancipatrice ;
L’ESS sera l’espace de la mobilisation des imaginaires de l’action citoyenne ;
L’ESS sera un moteur de cohésion territoriale retrouvée ;
L’ESS sera l’organisatrice des transitions dans les territoires ;
L’ESS aura initié de nouvelles alliances.
- Le Congrès des 10 ans de la loi ESS est initié par ESS France. Il s'agit d'"Imaginer le chemin de conquêtes collectives, créer du pouvoir d’agir et de nouvelles protections, affirmer la démocratie : notre responsabilité dans le monde qui nous entoure est de dessiner de nouvelles ambitions pour notre « mode d’entreprendre et de développement ».
Le congrès des 10 ans de la loi ESS, c’est…
6 plénières
5 parcours thématiques
15 ateliers s’appuyant sur les « trajectoires de l’ESS » : les enjeux identifiés pour bâtir une stratégie de développement de l’ESS
Un Village des initiatives
et en parallèle du Congrès des 10 ans, ESS France propose deux types de participations qui permettront d'enrichir des publications :
d'un côté une grande consultation qui permettra de construire le Manifeste
de l'autre des contributions libres sur les 15 trajectoires, qui là aussi pourront enrichir des publications
Les contributions écrites, en complément de la Grande Consultation, ont vocation à éclairer les travaux du Congrès des 12 et 13 juin 2024. Vous pouvez transmettre votre contribution (4 pages maximum) sur l’une des 15 trajectoires de l’ESS à l’adresse suivante d’ici le 3 juin 2024, inclus.
Liste des trajectoires : Dans 10 ans …
L’ESS sera plus forte car plus coopérante ;
L’ESS sera la norme des entreprises de demain ;
L’ESS inspirera une autre conception de la valeur et de son partage ;
L’ESS pourra s’appuyer sur un écosystème de développement ;
L’ESS pourra s’appuyer sur la reconnaissance et le développement de l’innovation sociale ;
L’ESS pourra compter sur une finance alignée avec ses principes ;
L’ESS permettra à toutes et à tous une protection à la hauteur des enjeux du 21ème siècle ;
L’ESS aura retrouvé sa place légitime dans les filières de solidarité ;
L’ESS sera le pivot de la sécurité sociale alimentaire ;
L’ESS constituera la figure de proue de l’entreprise responsable ;
L’ESS sera l’expression d’une culture émancipatrice ;
L’ESS sera l’espace de la mobilisation des imaginaires de l’action citoyenne ;
L’ESS sera un moteur de cohésion territoriale retrouvée ;
L’ESS sera l’organisatrice des transitions dans les territoires ;
L’ESS aura initié de nouvelles alliances.
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Centre International de Conférence, 4 pl Jussieu
Code postal
75 005
Dialogues en humanité
Dialogues en humanité
Dialogues citoyens à travers le monde : retrouvons-nous les 5, 6, 7 juillet au Parc de la Tête d'or à Lyon pour une nouvelle édition des Dialogues en humanité placée sous le thème « Place à l'humanité ! ».
Les Dialogues en humanité sont depuis 20 ans des ilots d’humanisation où on se recentre sur l’essentiel: apprendre à faire bon usage de la conscience et pratiquer le discernement affectif autour d’une éthique du partage et de la gestion constructive des conflits. Il importe de les développer et de les multiplier un peu partout en France et dans le monde car l’espèce humaine est en état d’urgence.
Les Dialogues en humanité sont depuis 20 ans des ilots d’humanisation où on se recentre sur l’essentiel: apprendre à faire bon usage de la conscience et pratiquer le discernement affectif autour d’une éthique du partage et de la gestion constructive des conflits. Il importe de les développer et de les multiplier un peu partout en France et dans le monde car l’espèce humaine est en état d’urgence.
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Parc de la Tête d'Or
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Do You Know All the Many Forms of Birth Control?
Do You Know All the Many Forms of Birth Control?
When Do You Walk Away
It Is All Facebook’s Fault…
How To Be Single at Your 10 Year Reunion
Are One Night Stands Bad?
The Truth About Free Dating Sites
Writing Good Emails
Taking it Slow vs Taking it Nowhere
26 Things I’ve Learned About Dating
Being Selfish in A Relationship
Signs of a Douchebag
Rules for a Skype Date
Oh, IUD, how I love thee…may I count the ways.
As I stuck my fork into the steaming sesame cabbage-and-salmon creation I had just dished into two bowls, something on the tree caught my eye. “What’s that?” I said to the boy, who was already smirking. “That wasn’t there before.”
“What?” he asked with feigned innocence.
‘Oooh, I love presents,’ I thought as I got up and ran over to the Christmas tree. It was an ornament, but a heavy one with obvious goodies stashed inside. Cracking open the metal bear was easier said than done, but my laughter once it was open made the struggle worth it.
“Chocolate, long-lasting batteries, and a lambskin condom. You know just the way to a girl’s heart.”
Later, as I was finishing off the lavender-infused chocolate truffle – “hey, don’t I get a bite?” he asked as I popped the last morsel into my mouth – I took out the $3 lambskin condom (yes, that’s the cost of one) and thought, “man, this is gonna get expensive.”
See, it’s been a while since I’ve had to worry about the question of consistent birth control. I was on the pill until about age 25, starting on it more specifically because of ridiculous menstrual cramps that I had suffered from every month since I was 12. I mean leave-school-down-eight-advil-writhe-in-bed-for-four-hours-curse-the-day-you-were-born kinda cramps. So, you know, I felt justified.
Birth contorl will make you crazy / Photo: StarMama
But as I began to delve into the field of holistic health, I couldn’t help but actually begin to pay attention to those ‘little’ warnings and precautions listed in great detail in the fold-out included with every pack of pills. It’s amazing how our minds can gloss over possibilities (some might say probabilities) of blood clots, cancer, heart disease, and sexual dysfunction because they list these at the three-quarters mark of every medication commercial and then quickly get back to the smiling people so happy to have found this brave new medicine. Psychology at its best.
Thing is, I was beginning to read book after book, website after website telling me information similar to what Dr. Mercola says in this article: the artificial, synthetic hormones found in birth control pills, estrogen and progestin, are the same hormones used in the hormone-replacement study shut down by the FDA in 2002. Why? The extreme increase in breast cancer. And heart attack. Don’t forget stoke. And my favorite, blood clots.
Ah yes, blood clots. I remember the day my boss received a hand-written letter from his previous assistant, detailing the flight, the sickness, the fact that she never would be the same again. The doctors determined that at age 29, the birth control pills were an intricate part of the equation. And, I was done.
Since then, I’ve primarily used latex condoms for birth control. But I haven’t really been in a long-term, committed relationship, so condoms were the obvious, smart choice anyway. In one short relationship a couple of years ago, we sometimes used lambskin condoms, which are certainly better and less, uh, chaffing.
Now, though, I’m not (and the boy certainly is not) excited about the prospect of using condoms every single time. Again, pricey (though after last week’s article about visiting the STD clinic, a friend covertly sent me a link to a much-reduced version of the lambskins on Amazon. Seriously, they’re like $42 for a 12-pack in the store). And really, at a certain point, who wants to deal with a barrier?
I’ve had so many conversations with my female friends over the years around this particular subject, which generally end with sighs and “well, I don’t really have another choice than to use [choose one: bc pills/Depo Provera/IUD, hormonal or copper/Nuva Ring/Ortho Evra] even though it makes me [choose one: gain weight/have no sex drive/moody as hell/spot throughout the month/depressed/have longer periods/have no periods/feel like a lunatic]. That’s some bull shit, I say.
It Is All Facebook’s Fault…
How To Be Single at Your 10 Year Reunion
Are One Night Stands Bad?
The Truth About Free Dating Sites
Writing Good Emails
Taking it Slow vs Taking it Nowhere
26 Things I’ve Learned About Dating
Being Selfish in A Relationship
Signs of a Douchebag
Rules for a Skype Date
Oh, IUD, how I love thee…may I count the ways.
As I stuck my fork into the steaming sesame cabbage-and-salmon creation I had just dished into two bowls, something on the tree caught my eye. “What’s that?” I said to the boy, who was already smirking. “That wasn’t there before.”
“What?” he asked with feigned innocence.
‘Oooh, I love presents,’ I thought as I got up and ran over to the Christmas tree. It was an ornament, but a heavy one with obvious goodies stashed inside. Cracking open the metal bear was easier said than done, but my laughter once it was open made the struggle worth it.
“Chocolate, long-lasting batteries, and a lambskin condom. You know just the way to a girl’s heart.”
Later, as I was finishing off the lavender-infused chocolate truffle – “hey, don’t I get a bite?” he asked as I popped the last morsel into my mouth – I took out the $3 lambskin condom (yes, that’s the cost of one) and thought, “man, this is gonna get expensive.”
See, it’s been a while since I’ve had to worry about the question of consistent birth control. I was on the pill until about age 25, starting on it more specifically because of ridiculous menstrual cramps that I had suffered from every month since I was 12. I mean leave-school-down-eight-advil-writhe-in-bed-for-four-hours-curse-the-day-you-were-born kinda cramps. So, you know, I felt justified.
Birth contorl will make you crazy / Photo: StarMama
But as I began to delve into the field of holistic health, I couldn’t help but actually begin to pay attention to those ‘little’ warnings and precautions listed in great detail in the fold-out included with every pack of pills. It’s amazing how our minds can gloss over possibilities (some might say probabilities) of blood clots, cancer, heart disease, and sexual dysfunction because they list these at the three-quarters mark of every medication commercial and then quickly get back to the smiling people so happy to have found this brave new medicine. Psychology at its best.
Thing is, I was beginning to read book after book, website after website telling me information similar to what Dr. Mercola says in this article: the artificial, synthetic hormones found in birth control pills, estrogen and progestin, are the same hormones used in the hormone-replacement study shut down by the FDA in 2002. Why? The extreme increase in breast cancer. And heart attack. Don’t forget stoke. And my favorite, blood clots.
Ah yes, blood clots. I remember the day my boss received a hand-written letter from his previous assistant, detailing the flight, the sickness, the fact that she never would be the same again. The doctors determined that at age 29, the birth control pills were an intricate part of the equation. And, I was done.
Since then, I’ve primarily used latex condoms for birth control. But I haven’t really been in a long-term, committed relationship, so condoms were the obvious, smart choice anyway. In one short relationship a couple of years ago, we sometimes used lambskin condoms, which are certainly better and less, uh, chaffing.
Now, though, I’m not (and the boy certainly is not) excited about the prospect of using condoms every single time. Again, pricey (though after last week’s article about visiting the STD clinic, a friend covertly sent me a link to a much-reduced version of the lambskins on Amazon. Seriously, they’re like $42 for a 12-pack in the store). And really, at a certain point, who wants to deal with a barrier?
I’ve had so many conversations with my female friends over the years around this particular subject, which generally end with sighs and “well, I don’t really have another choice than to use [choose one: bc pills/Depo Provera/IUD, hormonal or copper/Nuva Ring/Ortho Evra] even though it makes me [choose one: gain weight/have no sex drive/moody as hell/spot throughout the month/depressed/have longer periods/have no periods/feel like a lunatic]. That’s some bull shit, I say.
Début de l'événement
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Festival Faire Autrement
Festival Faire Autrement
La biennale "Faire Autrement" est de retour du 30 mai au 2 juin 2024 pour sa deuxième édition dans les Hauts-de-France.
3 000 personnes sont attendues au Familistère de Guise, lieu emblématique de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire en Europe, dont l’histoire nous inspire encore et nous prouve que « l’utopie » peut devenir réalité grâce à la détermination, à la coopération et à l’éducation.
Faire Autrement est l'occasion idéale de rencontrer des esprits éclairés, de découvrir des dynamiques inspirantes et de participer à des échanges constructifs.
Nous vous invitons à rejoindre cette aventure humaine extraordinaire où nous écrirons ensemble un avenir désirable et concret.
3 000 personnes sont attendues au Familistère de Guise, lieu emblématique de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire en Europe, dont l’histoire nous inspire encore et nous prouve que « l’utopie » peut devenir réalité grâce à la détermination, à la coopération et à l’éducation.
Faire Autrement est l'occasion idéale de rencontrer des esprits éclairés, de découvrir des dynamiques inspirantes et de participer à des échanges constructifs.
Nous vous invitons à rejoindre cette aventure humaine extraordinaire où nous écrirons ensemble un avenir désirable et concret.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Adresse url

Cité Familistere 02120, Guise
How Fatherless Daughters Shape the Black Community’s Relationship Dynamics
How Fatherless Daughters Shape the Black Community’s Relationship Dynamics
Things Every Grown Black Man Needs In His Life
The Black Dating Game
How To Stop “That” Dude From Trying To Talk To You
10 Most Common Lies People Tell in A Relationship
I’ll Be Your Pappy: The Silence of the Daddy Issues
Three Underrated Relationship Benchmarks
Why Successful Men Don’t Want To Put A Ring On it
Annoying Things Women Only Do If They’re Into You
How Every Single Young Woman Can Improve Her Luck
Welp, I thought about it on the way home and I’d have to say that I enjoy watching a man grow. Get his mojo on. Go from insecure to secure. Little man to big man. Big men do big things and I love being the spark that started the engine up. I might end up getting dumped when he grows so big he thinks he’s better than me, but its still worth it.
353TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Remind me that when I upload new avis on this site to always face the front or to always have a fitted on….I have that ‘hook head’ you mentioned. lol
354Wild Cougar July 18, 2011 at 3:31 pm
355TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Not skurred, Growing up, I was the recipient of more than enough head jokes to know better than to bring unwarranted attention to it.
356Wild Cougar July 18, 2011 at 4:08 pm
Show that sexy head! Me like. You know I found an article that connected a prominent occipital bone to a big libido….
357Reecie July 18, 2011 at 10:05 am
I love giving men compliments! they do always look surprised when you do, even men that you know like that.
my friends and I definitely DO NOT do the compliment cunnilingus. its so extra to me. I love giving genuine compliments but when its in excess I just tend to think its fake. at my former place of employment I noticed a lot of the 2520 women would make a compliment as part of their “good morning” greeting and its like, I’ve worn this blouse 20 times already, you can just say GM, I don’t need you to gush over my clothes. Seems like its embedded in them and I question the sincerity with that.
The Black Dating Game
How To Stop “That” Dude From Trying To Talk To You
10 Most Common Lies People Tell in A Relationship
I’ll Be Your Pappy: The Silence of the Daddy Issues
Three Underrated Relationship Benchmarks
Why Successful Men Don’t Want To Put A Ring On it
Annoying Things Women Only Do If They’re Into You
How Every Single Young Woman Can Improve Her Luck
Welp, I thought about it on the way home and I’d have to say that I enjoy watching a man grow. Get his mojo on. Go from insecure to secure. Little man to big man. Big men do big things and I love being the spark that started the engine up. I might end up getting dumped when he grows so big he thinks he’s better than me, but its still worth it.
353TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Remind me that when I upload new avis on this site to always face the front or to always have a fitted on….I have that ‘hook head’ you mentioned. lol
354Wild Cougar July 18, 2011 at 3:31 pm
355TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Not skurred, Growing up, I was the recipient of more than enough head jokes to know better than to bring unwarranted attention to it.
356Wild Cougar July 18, 2011 at 4:08 pm
Show that sexy head! Me like. You know I found an article that connected a prominent occipital bone to a big libido….
357Reecie July 18, 2011 at 10:05 am
I love giving men compliments! they do always look surprised when you do, even men that you know like that.
my friends and I definitely DO NOT do the compliment cunnilingus. its so extra to me. I love giving genuine compliments but when its in excess I just tend to think its fake. at my former place of employment I noticed a lot of the 2520 women would make a compliment as part of their “good morning” greeting and its like, I’ve worn this blouse 20 times already, you can just say GM, I don’t need you to gush over my clothes. Seems like its embedded in them and I question the sincerity with that.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How High Expectations Can Sabotage Love
How High Expectations Can Sabotage Love
Why Sharing Passwords With Your Partner
How To Tell If A Man Is Interested In You
Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Break-Up
The Dating With EXpectation Factor
Dating Real Test Is in the Wallet
How To Know That Your Relationship Is In Trouble
When Potential Becomes a Relationship Killer
The Unspoken Truths About Blame in Relationships
How Technology is Killing the Romance
I’m for execution. Like Martel, I realise actual full-term life imprisonment is infinitely crueler (and costaplentee). But on one very important condition.
If a man (it’s almost never not a man) is subsequently found innocent, his accusers, the investigators, the prosecution counsel, the judge, jury and execution team all get the same, post hoc. And even more importantly, their posthumous total assets seized and liquidated, and given to the deceased’s immediate next of kin as compo.
Yeh OK so they’d work damn’ hard to make sure these judgements could never be revised, appealed or reinvestigated. But they do that already pretty much.
But it would concentrate a few mainly legal minds wonderfully, and I tend to think they would opt for “Unless he’s caught red-handed and waving the scalp and singing, best just hold him in jail until we have better concrete evidence”.
At the moment you can be topped on little more than a denunciation, and lack of a cast-iron alibi.
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DW3 July 26, 2014 at 09:01
No death penalty is the best method. If the state is to have a monopoly on the use of violence, then it must make sure not to go too far and execute any innocents. I believe in Blackstone’s formulation: “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer”. At least the state can make whole those who are wrongly imprisoned or caned, how do you make whole a man who was wrongly executed?
I have to admit that I am confused by the bloodlust demonstrated by some Republicans in the USA. I am in all ways a reactionary conservative, and would go much farther in restoring the “natural order of the world” than any prominent voices in the GOP in the last century, but I am mystified by the rigid adherence to the death penalty amongst my less blunt but mostly ideological brothers down South of the 49th parallel. I support judicial corporal punishment for miscegenation, but the zealous white-knighting support for the death penalty for only men causes my mind to boggle.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
Visitant July 26, 2014 at 11:20
Why corporal punishment for miscegenation?
How To Tell If A Man Is Interested In You
Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Break-Up
The Dating With EXpectation Factor
Dating Real Test Is in the Wallet
How To Know That Your Relationship Is In Trouble
When Potential Becomes a Relationship Killer
The Unspoken Truths About Blame in Relationships
How Technology is Killing the Romance
I’m for execution. Like Martel, I realise actual full-term life imprisonment is infinitely crueler (and costaplentee). But on one very important condition.
If a man (it’s almost never not a man) is subsequently found innocent, his accusers, the investigators, the prosecution counsel, the judge, jury and execution team all get the same, post hoc. And even more importantly, their posthumous total assets seized and liquidated, and given to the deceased’s immediate next of kin as compo.
Yeh OK so they’d work damn’ hard to make sure these judgements could never be revised, appealed or reinvestigated. But they do that already pretty much.
But it would concentrate a few mainly legal minds wonderfully, and I tend to think they would opt for “Unless he’s caught red-handed and waving the scalp and singing, best just hold him in jail until we have better concrete evidence”.
At the moment you can be topped on little more than a denunciation, and lack of a cast-iron alibi.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
DW3 July 26, 2014 at 09:01
No death penalty is the best method. If the state is to have a monopoly on the use of violence, then it must make sure not to go too far and execute any innocents. I believe in Blackstone’s formulation: “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer”. At least the state can make whole those who are wrongly imprisoned or caned, how do you make whole a man who was wrongly executed?
I have to admit that I am confused by the bloodlust demonstrated by some Republicans in the USA. I am in all ways a reactionary conservative, and would go much farther in restoring the “natural order of the world” than any prominent voices in the GOP in the last century, but I am mystified by the rigid adherence to the death penalty amongst my less blunt but mostly ideological brothers down South of the 49th parallel. I support judicial corporal punishment for miscegenation, but the zealous white-knighting support for the death penalty for only men causes my mind to boggle.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
Visitant July 26, 2014 at 11:20
Why corporal punishment for miscegenation?
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How to Approach Women Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Approach Women Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
A Simpler Guide to Single Men
Top 10 Signs He Is Cheating On You
Check Out Girls Without Getting Caught
10 Steps to Get Over Your Ex
How To: Forget Your Dating Check List
A Female Player's Strategy: The Preemptive Strike
It's Okay To Be Needy
Why Klutzy Women Are Attractive
How Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Men Play Dating Games Too
or: Yes…I’m a lesbian….
Another: Her: seeing make-up on my collar from dancing with other girls: “Wow…your wife or girlfriend must be jealous if you have that kind of make up on your collar:
Me: Oh…I don’t have a girlfriend FAIL
Now: They’re used to it…but you sound jealous…
After discovering game…I now detect and deflect shit tests with relative ease:
Some recent ones:
Me: I was quite sick after my recent business trip and I was looking for a nurse, too bad you weren’t around.
Her (nurse by profession): Yah, I’d give you an injection…in the butt..
Me: You’d like that wouldn’t you…
Her: Where were you born?
Me: In a hospital
Her: ahhh…I can’t talk to you…
Me: [In this case, I was over-gaming, so laughed it off and softened it up]
Me: walking up to girl with cocktail in hand to take her on dance floor.
Her: Do you really want to dance with me?
Me: Not really….[grab her and begin dancing]
I’m learning that there are limits to how far you can push back without being a complete asshole and scaring them off.
Though, by comparison, the girl whose shit tests I failed lost all attraction for me.
The hard-case girl whose shit-tests I constantly passed, somehow had a change of heart and stepped back.
Top 10 Signs He Is Cheating On You
Check Out Girls Without Getting Caught
10 Steps to Get Over Your Ex
How To: Forget Your Dating Check List
A Female Player's Strategy: The Preemptive Strike
It's Okay To Be Needy
Why Klutzy Women Are Attractive
How Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Men Play Dating Games Too
or: Yes…I’m a lesbian….
Another: Her: seeing make-up on my collar from dancing with other girls: “Wow…your wife or girlfriend must be jealous if you have that kind of make up on your collar:
Me: Oh…I don’t have a girlfriend FAIL
Now: They’re used to it…but you sound jealous…
After discovering game…I now detect and deflect shit tests with relative ease:
Some recent ones:
Me: I was quite sick after my recent business trip and I was looking for a nurse, too bad you weren’t around.
Her (nurse by profession): Yah, I’d give you an injection…in the butt..
Me: You’d like that wouldn’t you…
Her: Where were you born?
Me: In a hospital
Her: ahhh…I can’t talk to you…
Me: [In this case, I was over-gaming, so laughed it off and softened it up]
Me: walking up to girl with cocktail in hand to take her on dance floor.
Her: Do you really want to dance with me?
Me: Not really….[grab her and begin dancing]
I’m learning that there are limits to how far you can push back without being a complete asshole and scaring them off.
Though, by comparison, the girl whose shit tests I failed lost all attraction for me.
The hard-case girl whose shit-tests I constantly passed, somehow had a change of heart and stepped back.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How to Attract Women with a Confident, Fun Approach
How to Attract Women with a Confident, Fun Approach
3 Common Relationship Mistakes Women Make
Love Awkwardness and Regret: The Day I Walked Away
Friend Zoned and Heartbroken: Lessons from an Imaginary Romance
What Every Woman Should Know About a Man’s Code of Honor
How to Handle Breakups Without Questioning
Attracting Women with Confidence and Humor
Keep Your Woman Secure Without Fighting
Men Play Dating Games Too
Dom {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:01 am}
@Me fail english?,
Is Dancehall Queen the movie with the mom who’s trying to pimp her daughter out for rent money?
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:15 am}
Yup! That’s the one!
It’s the one where the lady is a street vendor and then starts wearing turrble, turrble wigs to compete for the title of Dancehall Queen
Dom {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:08 pm}
@Me fail english?,
Oh snap, I saw that movie! It was on Starz one late night. It was so bad I couldn’t even describe what I’d just witnessed by the end of it.
Gem...BeThatAsItMay {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:46 pm}
@Me fail english?,
omg i loved dancehall queen back in the day!!!! i was so captivated by the whole plot lol. the wigs were extremely terrible, the acting was sketchy, and seeing a 40-something yo woman wind was SCARY. but i’ve seen it like 3 times lol.
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 1:07 pm}
LOL! I like the way whenever she put on the wig it was like some profound transformation and all of a sudden nobody could recognize her.
BLUNTBLAZER {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:57 pm}
@Me fail english?,
I saw House party 2 over the and I thought to myself this was cool?
House party 1 is the king of all films tho.
Oh yea class act was funny lol
glad kid retired the high top fades
35Dom { 06.22.09 at 11:00 am }
I actually like Tyler Perry movies. They have their lows and highs, but all in all they’re funny and usually have an important message. He’s certainly giving a voice to folks who are otherwise silenced in the entertainment industry. I wish he’d stick to screen plays though, cuz House of Payne makes me want to blind myself with the remote.
Also, I loved Baby Boy. I was a HUGE Tyrese fan back in high school, had a wall sized poster of him and everything! I went to see Baby Boy in the theater with my bro and parents, so it was a little awkward when Tyrese was working that “Daddy D*ck,” but other than that I had a good time watching it.
As for bad movies I enjoy, only Encino Man comes to mind. Something about Pauly Shore is horrifying, funny, sexy, and dirty all at once.
Dante_Alexander {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:04 am}
I tried to extoll the virtues of Encino Man to the VSB crowd a couple weeks back. It is a lost cause.
“Ow My Pancreas.”
Cheekie {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:23 am}
“Something about Pauly Shore is horrifying, funny, sexy, and dirty all at once.”
LMFAO. I remember I fell in love with the cartoon version of him in A Goofy Movie. I thought he was soo cool. lol
Love Awkwardness and Regret: The Day I Walked Away
Friend Zoned and Heartbroken: Lessons from an Imaginary Romance
What Every Woman Should Know About a Man’s Code of Honor
How to Handle Breakups Without Questioning
Attracting Women with Confidence and Humor
Keep Your Woman Secure Without Fighting
Men Play Dating Games Too
Dom {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:01 am}
@Me fail english?,
Is Dancehall Queen the movie with the mom who’s trying to pimp her daughter out for rent money?
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:15 am}
Yup! That’s the one!
It’s the one where the lady is a street vendor and then starts wearing turrble, turrble wigs to compete for the title of Dancehall Queen
Dom {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:08 pm}
@Me fail english?,
Oh snap, I saw that movie! It was on Starz one late night. It was so bad I couldn’t even describe what I’d just witnessed by the end of it.
Gem...BeThatAsItMay {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:46 pm}
@Me fail english?,
omg i loved dancehall queen back in the day!!!! i was so captivated by the whole plot lol. the wigs were extremely terrible, the acting was sketchy, and seeing a 40-something yo woman wind was SCARY. but i’ve seen it like 3 times lol.
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 1:07 pm}
LOL! I like the way whenever she put on the wig it was like some profound transformation and all of a sudden nobody could recognize her.
BLUNTBLAZER {June 22nd, 2009 at 12:57 pm}
@Me fail english?,
I saw House party 2 over the and I thought to myself this was cool?
House party 1 is the king of all films tho.
Oh yea class act was funny lol
glad kid retired the high top fades
35Dom { 06.22.09 at 11:00 am }
I actually like Tyler Perry movies. They have their lows and highs, but all in all they’re funny and usually have an important message. He’s certainly giving a voice to folks who are otherwise silenced in the entertainment industry. I wish he’d stick to screen plays though, cuz House of Payne makes me want to blind myself with the remote.
Also, I loved Baby Boy. I was a HUGE Tyrese fan back in high school, had a wall sized poster of him and everything! I went to see Baby Boy in the theater with my bro and parents, so it was a little awkward when Tyrese was working that “Daddy D*ck,” but other than that I had a good time watching it.
As for bad movies I enjoy, only Encino Man comes to mind. Something about Pauly Shore is horrifying, funny, sexy, and dirty all at once.
Dante_Alexander {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:04 am}
I tried to extoll the virtues of Encino Man to the VSB crowd a couple weeks back. It is a lost cause.
“Ow My Pancreas.”
Cheekie {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:23 am}
“Something about Pauly Shore is horrifying, funny, sexy, and dirty all at once.”
LMFAO. I remember I fell in love with the cartoon version of him in A Goofy Movie. I thought he was soo cool. lol
Début de l'événement
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How to Make Women the Rulers of the World (PR Edition)
How to Make Women the Rulers of the World (PR Edition)
Breaking up with someone you still actually like
First Dates You Should Never Take a Black Woman On
Why Women Should Rule The World
Do’s And Dont’s Of Making a Sex Tape
Four Reasons Why women Shouldn’t Pursue Men
Taking The Lead
Can’t Trust It: 9 Women To Avoid At All Сosts
Five Surefire Ways To Scare Her Away
Girl, stop. I LOVE Enough. It made me wanna buy some new Timbs just to kick some ninja’s arse.
And that little girl is so cute. Like when that lady asks her name and she’s like, “I don’t know anymore” because she had to keep changing her name for protection. lol
Panama Jackson {June 22nd, 2009 at 10:01 am}
@Sheffield Swats, i think Boyz In The Hood was a good movie. now you’re right, Cuba’s acting was on some BS but it was sufficient in that he didn’t ruin the movie.
PLUS…and this is a big PLUS…it taught us all to zig-zag-zig when running from somebody who’s shooting. we all probably thought about, but seeing Ricky’s ass get lit up b/c he ran straight put it all in perspective.
no straight lines.
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:32 am}
@Panama Jackson,
Also, no room for scratch-off lottery tickets in the ghetto. It’s a war out here!
Sheffield Swats {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:33 am}
@Panama Jackson, so it gets what, a PSA award? Whatever award they give to extra good after-school specials, I’m cool with. Aside from nostalgia’s sake and Cube’s extra wet curl I’m good on BITH.
10Stuff Ghetto People Like { 06.22.09 at 3:46 am }
Movies that come out in January or September aren’t released…they ESCAPE.
Movies that involve Cube, Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, or MTV tend to come out during these death months for a reason. Vacations are over and everyone is focused on getting back up to speed with work/school, so these flicks get to avoid any real abuse. And anyone desperate enough to see a movie in these times (e.g. you need somewhere to go on a date because you live in Slidell) won’t mind much.
First Dates You Should Never Take a Black Woman On
Why Women Should Rule The World
Do’s And Dont’s Of Making a Sex Tape
Four Reasons Why women Shouldn’t Pursue Men
Taking The Lead
Can’t Trust It: 9 Women To Avoid At All Сosts
Five Surefire Ways To Scare Her Away
Girl, stop. I LOVE Enough. It made me wanna buy some new Timbs just to kick some ninja’s arse.
And that little girl is so cute. Like when that lady asks her name and she’s like, “I don’t know anymore” because she had to keep changing her name for protection. lol
Panama Jackson {June 22nd, 2009 at 10:01 am}
@Sheffield Swats, i think Boyz In The Hood was a good movie. now you’re right, Cuba’s acting was on some BS but it was sufficient in that he didn’t ruin the movie.
PLUS…and this is a big PLUS…it taught us all to zig-zag-zig when running from somebody who’s shooting. we all probably thought about, but seeing Ricky’s ass get lit up b/c he ran straight put it all in perspective.
no straight lines.
Me fail english? {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:32 am}
@Panama Jackson,
Also, no room for scratch-off lottery tickets in the ghetto. It’s a war out here!
Sheffield Swats {June 22nd, 2009 at 11:33 am}
@Panama Jackson, so it gets what, a PSA award? Whatever award they give to extra good after-school specials, I’m cool with. Aside from nostalgia’s sake and Cube’s extra wet curl I’m good on BITH.
10Stuff Ghetto People Like { 06.22.09 at 3:46 am }
Movies that come out in January or September aren’t released…they ESCAPE.
Movies that involve Cube, Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, or MTV tend to come out during these death months for a reason. Vacations are over and everyone is focused on getting back up to speed with work/school, so these flicks get to avoid any real abuse. And anyone desperate enough to see a movie in these times (e.g. you need somewhere to go on a date because you live in Slidell) won’t mind much.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How to Overcome Insecurities in Online Relationships
How to Overcome Insecurities in Online Relationships
What Do Women REALLY Want?
The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters
Relax Dude I Am Not Swinging From Your Nuts
How To Survive Dating a ‘Walking Smoker’
Setting Yourself Apart From the Herd
The Best Reasons to Withhold Your Cakes
He Finally Has Me And Now He’s Bored?
12 Things Dull People Do That Make Them Boring
The Independent Single Woman: Self-Satisfaction
Your premise is that the woman who wants you to be monogamous is not way superior to all the other women you might be with. But if you can keep her, a 9 with a great personality who is completely into you is worth any number of 6′s and 7′s.
This is the issue. How I could proceed with a 7 with whom I was just getting involved with casually and a 9 who is intrigued and into me but who could – honestly – pretty much get any guy she wanted ever anywhere without even trying, well, … the approach has to be different. While I’m trying to keep her qualifying herself, on some level, she has vast options.
Gorbachev’s current issue is that the woman he is chasing is much hotter than anything else on the menu.
Ever. It’s freakish. Really, I’m in constant shock and utterly out of my element. It may not seem like proper game frame, but any guy (who isn’t movie-star attractive) who doesn’t question himself is delusional or a true Alpha.
Elegant, smart, cultured, solid 9.
It makes sense for him to cool it with the others until he has secured her; but he is operating in the top league now and he admits it will be difficult for him to avoid an explicit statement that he is not going to screw anyone else while he is with her.
You got it: It will be impossible. I might have grace period; but as soon as it goes to a few overnights, I’ll be in relationship territory if she’s still into me and I’ll at least have to swear off other women. For sure. No debate on that with this girl.
While I have no fundamental problem with this, because I’m not an insane horndog, and monogamy is fine when it’s appropriate, … and I don’t want to have to lie, … it’s that I’ve got got to be decent to all concerned.
Management. I have to consider feelings.
That is, “you might not turn out to be good enough for me and I might have to look for someone better eventually” is the right way, and “right now there are other girls who appeal to me despite the fact that I am with you so you’d better keep on your toes” is the wrong way. See the subtle difference? The wrong way, you say she has already been found to be imperfectly enthralling, so she gets mad and kicks you to the curb; the right way, she knows you have found nothing wrong with her so far but still feels the need to keep qualifying herself to you.
I agree with this analysis in theory.
The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters
Relax Dude I Am Not Swinging From Your Nuts
How To Survive Dating a ‘Walking Smoker’
Setting Yourself Apart From the Herd
The Best Reasons to Withhold Your Cakes
He Finally Has Me And Now He’s Bored?
12 Things Dull People Do That Make Them Boring
The Independent Single Woman: Self-Satisfaction
Your premise is that the woman who wants you to be monogamous is not way superior to all the other women you might be with. But if you can keep her, a 9 with a great personality who is completely into you is worth any number of 6′s and 7′s.
This is the issue. How I could proceed with a 7 with whom I was just getting involved with casually and a 9 who is intrigued and into me but who could – honestly – pretty much get any guy she wanted ever anywhere without even trying, well, … the approach has to be different. While I’m trying to keep her qualifying herself, on some level, she has vast options.
Gorbachev’s current issue is that the woman he is chasing is much hotter than anything else on the menu.
Ever. It’s freakish. Really, I’m in constant shock and utterly out of my element. It may not seem like proper game frame, but any guy (who isn’t movie-star attractive) who doesn’t question himself is delusional or a true Alpha.
Elegant, smart, cultured, solid 9.
It makes sense for him to cool it with the others until he has secured her; but he is operating in the top league now and he admits it will be difficult for him to avoid an explicit statement that he is not going to screw anyone else while he is with her.
You got it: It will be impossible. I might have grace period; but as soon as it goes to a few overnights, I’ll be in relationship territory if she’s still into me and I’ll at least have to swear off other women. For sure. No debate on that with this girl.
While I have no fundamental problem with this, because I’m not an insane horndog, and monogamy is fine when it’s appropriate, … and I don’t want to have to lie, … it’s that I’ve got got to be decent to all concerned.
Management. I have to consider feelings.
That is, “you might not turn out to be good enough for me and I might have to look for someone better eventually” is the right way, and “right now there are other girls who appeal to me despite the fact that I am with you so you’d better keep on your toes” is the wrong way. See the subtle difference? The wrong way, you say she has already been found to be imperfectly enthralling, so she gets mad and kicks you to the curb; the right way, she knows you have found nothing wrong with her so far but still feels the need to keep qualifying herself to you.
I agree with this analysis in theory.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How To See Through The Bullshit In Online Dating Profiles
How To See Through The Bullshit In Online Dating Profiles
5 Ways To Prove You’re Really In Love!
Why Dating A Geek/Nerd Is Good Strategy
Break-Up Do’s And Don’ts
The “Straight” Dope On Traditional Marriage
Things I Wish Mom Told Me About Dating
The Struggle of Modern Love
The Perils of Dating a Married Man
A Woman’s Guide Of Back Hair Acceptance
10 Things Every Single Man Needs
Epic Meet-Cute Scenarios for Online Daters
10 Things Every Single Woman Needs
“Philosophy is to reality as masturbation is to sex.” – Karl Marx
Sociological theory stresses the importance of concept versus reality – the concept of government, for example, is in reality just the people with the most guns. In the miss-miss-miss-hit-miss world of online dating, the rule is quite the same – in this case the concept is the profile – glossy photos depicting their ideal self, ‘about me’ essays describing the most perfect, well-rounded human in existence – and the reality is usually much different. This is the cause of much frustration amongst internet daters, as they bring concept-based expectations to the reality (ie. the date), and are invariably disappointed.
One way to avoid the concept/reality trappings is, when looking at one’s profile, try to imagine them in real life MAKING the profile (see figure 3.7) In concept they are strapping, confident, good-looking, pixel perfect. In real life, however, the picture gets much fuzzier. There they are, in the living room they share with three other roommates, in their undees and wife-beater, tapping out the profile. Sort of weenie-ish. This is who you will be meeting in real life, not the person in the profile.
In other words, you need to mentally go to the other side of the digital curtain if you want to know who and what you’re dealing with. This will be a handy exercise as time goes on and our digital selves multiply, Gremlin-like, but at the end of the day you are still just the physical you, sitting in your apartment typing out editions of you as your hot laptop battery burns into your crotch.
Why Dating A Geek/Nerd Is Good Strategy
Break-Up Do’s And Don’ts
The “Straight” Dope On Traditional Marriage
Things I Wish Mom Told Me About Dating
The Struggle of Modern Love
The Perils of Dating a Married Man
A Woman’s Guide Of Back Hair Acceptance
10 Things Every Single Man Needs
Epic Meet-Cute Scenarios for Online Daters
10 Things Every Single Woman Needs
“Philosophy is to reality as masturbation is to sex.” – Karl Marx
Sociological theory stresses the importance of concept versus reality – the concept of government, for example, is in reality just the people with the most guns. In the miss-miss-miss-hit-miss world of online dating, the rule is quite the same – in this case the concept is the profile – glossy photos depicting their ideal self, ‘about me’ essays describing the most perfect, well-rounded human in existence – and the reality is usually much different. This is the cause of much frustration amongst internet daters, as they bring concept-based expectations to the reality (ie. the date), and are invariably disappointed.
One way to avoid the concept/reality trappings is, when looking at one’s profile, try to imagine them in real life MAKING the profile (see figure 3.7) In concept they are strapping, confident, good-looking, pixel perfect. In real life, however, the picture gets much fuzzier. There they are, in the living room they share with three other roommates, in their undees and wife-beater, tapping out the profile. Sort of weenie-ish. This is who you will be meeting in real life, not the person in the profile.
In other words, you need to mentally go to the other side of the digital curtain if you want to know who and what you’re dealing with. This will be a handy exercise as time goes on and our digital selves multiply, Gremlin-like, but at the end of the day you are still just the physical you, sitting in your apartment typing out editions of you as your hot laptop battery burns into your crotch.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
How to Turn Online Dating into a Happy Experience
How to Turn Online Dating into a Happy Experience
5 Dumb Reasons People Use to Avoid Dating
The Six Part Guide To Keeping A Woman Happy
Many Faces of Man
The Real Key to a Lasting Marriage
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Recognizing a Toxic Partner Before It’s Too Late
Debunking Of Six Commonly Held Relationship Fallacies
Two Surefire Ways To Ensure Your Happiness
Dating Mistake That Educated Women Make
Living Together Before Marriage Is A Good Idea?
The Secret to Male Happiness
“does be curly from aveda work on kinky dense hair” – VSB, where good hair tips happen. Btw, does anybody know the answer to this question?
“did saggin pants start in slavery days” – Seriously, how this ended up sending them to VSB is beyond me, but the answer is yes. Of course it did. It’s how so many slaves got caught trying to escape. Duh!
“daughter plays with dad nutsack” – this is just disturbing. May God also have mercy on your soul who ever you are you fick suck.
“dateless on Saturday night and things to do” – well, you’re already on the net so consider yourself doing about all you’re ever going to do. May I suggest finding a man in a chatroom and getting your cyber-bone on. Somehow though, I figure if you’re doing this search, you’re the kind of chick (or dude) who’s never going to have anything to do. I bet you read…a lot.
“free fat giiiiiiirl pr0n” – LOL. This definitely ain’t the site for that. Though you have to ask yourself, if this is what you’re looking for, why would you go to any site that clearly wasn’t going to provide that?
“f*cking bamboo hard” – why, yes it is.
“hot girls touching hot boys weewee and both naked” – I’m kind of wondering how so many perverted searches end up at I’m starting to get a little nervous about this actually.
“how do you know if you’re a jumpoff” – if you have to ask, I’m guessing the internet isn’t even necessary to solve that riddle…
“how to get an Indian passport for a baby born in the Philippines” – um…yeaaah…
“I am black and black girls aren’t attracted to me” – Brotha, the internet can’t help you with your problem. I’m guessing this one is your parent’s fault.
The Six Part Guide To Keeping A Woman Happy
Many Faces of Man
The Real Key to a Lasting Marriage
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Recognizing a Toxic Partner Before It’s Too Late
Debunking Of Six Commonly Held Relationship Fallacies
Two Surefire Ways To Ensure Your Happiness
Dating Mistake That Educated Women Make
Living Together Before Marriage Is A Good Idea?
The Secret to Male Happiness
- “Freacknick, my wife” – I just feel sorry for this guy. If you think you’re wife was SO out there that all you had to do was type in “my wife” and a major event (spelled wrong of course so I’m guessing he didn’t find what he was looking for – lawd never let him spell Freaknik right) and pictures and commentary of her would pop up, just serve her the divorce papers pal. And have a drink on me, on you, later on. I kind of just hope he didn’t find what he was looking for. I know he didn’t find it here.
“does be curly from aveda work on kinky dense hair” – VSB, where good hair tips happen. Btw, does anybody know the answer to this question?
“did saggin pants start in slavery days” – Seriously, how this ended up sending them to VSB is beyond me, but the answer is yes. Of course it did. It’s how so many slaves got caught trying to escape. Duh!
“daughter plays with dad nutsack” – this is just disturbing. May God also have mercy on your soul who ever you are you fick suck.
“dateless on Saturday night and things to do” – well, you’re already on the net so consider yourself doing about all you’re ever going to do. May I suggest finding a man in a chatroom and getting your cyber-bone on. Somehow though, I figure if you’re doing this search, you’re the kind of chick (or dude) who’s never going to have anything to do. I bet you read…a lot.
“free fat giiiiiiirl pr0n” – LOL. This definitely ain’t the site for that. Though you have to ask yourself, if this is what you’re looking for, why would you go to any site that clearly wasn’t going to provide that?
“f*cking bamboo hard” – why, yes it is.
“hot girls touching hot boys weewee and both naked” – I’m kind of wondering how so many perverted searches end up at I’m starting to get a little nervous about this actually.
“how do you know if you’re a jumpoff” – if you have to ask, I’m guessing the internet isn’t even necessary to solve that riddle…
“how to get an Indian passport for a baby born in the Philippines” – um…yeaaah…
“I am black and black girls aren’t attracted to me” – Brotha, the internet can’t help you with your problem. I’m guessing this one is your parent’s fault.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Ladies, get yourself a girlfriend
Ladies, get yourself a girlfriend
Why Is Self-Esteem Important For Dating?
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
A couple days ago, sitting in a swanky bar laughing uncontrollably with a group of amazing ladies, I listened as one woman brought up her difficulty building friendships with and being comfortable in groups of attractive women. Unquestionably a knock-out, I imagined a fairly endless list of judgements she’d likely encountered and she offered that having a group of smart, good-looking girl friends simply never would have happened for her in her 20s, but was more attainable in her 30s.
Toya Sharee at Madame Noire shares a similar sentiment in “99 Problems But a Chick Ain’t One: A Woman With No Female Friends.” Finding that…
“Only in undergrad did I come across a roommate who was confident enough in herself to not need to use a friendship solely as a crutch for any confidence she was lacking. She became the first girl that I wasn’t related to that I actually looked forward to spending time with. I began to learn to let go of resentment of the past and stop taking out that hurt on all women.”
So, is it simply a lack of confidence, or an undefined sense of self that leads our connections with women down a nasty path? How would all our relationships differ if, instead of tearing our female connections down, we looked to build and develop them early and often?
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
A couple days ago, sitting in a swanky bar laughing uncontrollably with a group of amazing ladies, I listened as one woman brought up her difficulty building friendships with and being comfortable in groups of attractive women. Unquestionably a knock-out, I imagined a fairly endless list of judgements she’d likely encountered and she offered that having a group of smart, good-looking girl friends simply never would have happened for her in her 20s, but was more attainable in her 30s.
Toya Sharee at Madame Noire shares a similar sentiment in “99 Problems But a Chick Ain’t One: A Woman With No Female Friends.” Finding that…
“Only in undergrad did I come across a roommate who was confident enough in herself to not need to use a friendship solely as a crutch for any confidence she was lacking. She became the first girl that I wasn’t related to that I actually looked forward to spending time with. I began to learn to let go of resentment of the past and stop taking out that hurt on all women.”
So, is it simply a lack of confidence, or an undefined sense of self that leads our connections with women down a nasty path? How would all our relationships differ if, instead of tearing our female connections down, we looked to build and develop them early and often?
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Lines On Your Face
Lines On Your Face
Should Single Guys Use Emoticons
Leaving the Ghosts of an Ex Behind
Bitchiness as a Defense Mechanism: Lessons from Blogging About My Ex
Can You be Friends With an Ex?
The Men We Know We Have No Future With…
Men Who Ghost Before the First Date
No Strings Attached is Bullshit.
Do Women Really Want Equality In Relationships?
Your Best Friend the Hag
Why Being Single Doesn’t Suck
Rules For Hanging Out With Your Ex
How to Approach Guys in a Bar
How NOT to Approach A Guy In A Bar
8 Facts about Cheating
I’m a huge fan of all things musical.
It’s one of my biggest passions in this world, PERIOD!
So as I was going through my collection of songs yesterday, I happened upon one of my favorite live albums…Frampton comes Alive, by none other than Peter Frampton.
One of my favorite songs off this album is titled, “Lines On My Face”…It’s a great tune…check it out! Anyway, the reason I’m telling you this is because earlier that same day, a friend of mine called to ask some advice about a matter involving a young lady that he’s interested in.
The gist of the issue was this…My friend–that I’ll call Rick–wanted to know why he was having so much trouble advancing past the introduction stage. “I have her phone number, we’ve talked several times already, I just can’t seem to get along much further than that” he said with a tinge of frustration.
Instead of offering up any advice, I just asked him to continue talking about what he thought he was doing wrong. Then I just listened. After about five minutes or so, it became apparent what the problem was. Rick hadn’t done anything wrong at all….that is, if just learning techniques, tips and tricks to get the attention of a woman was the desired end result. He had that down.
Rick had been following some of the “experts” out there that teach pick-up lines and such, as a way to get women interested in them. Funny…I didn’t know people actually used lines at all, let alone in this day and age.
You see, what Rick didn’t know was that women can see a carpetbagger coming down the street with his bag of snake oil long before he reaches the edge of the city limits. What I suggested to Rick was to completely dump the so-called strategies and learn how to be comfortable in his own skin.
Learning to use your own natural gifts, then learning the confidence and poise that women find incredibly attractive is a much better way to attract women. After all, you can attract more bees with sugar than with vinegar.
I know, I know, it doesn’t sound very sexy does it; learning to be a better you.
But then again neither does lines written all over your face.
Stephen E. Gordon
“Making Magic Daily”
Leaving the Ghosts of an Ex Behind
Bitchiness as a Defense Mechanism: Lessons from Blogging About My Ex
Can You be Friends With an Ex?
The Men We Know We Have No Future With…
Men Who Ghost Before the First Date
No Strings Attached is Bullshit.
Do Women Really Want Equality In Relationships?
Your Best Friend the Hag
Why Being Single Doesn’t Suck
Rules For Hanging Out With Your Ex
How to Approach Guys in a Bar
How NOT to Approach A Guy In A Bar
8 Facts about Cheating
I’m a huge fan of all things musical.
It’s one of my biggest passions in this world, PERIOD!
So as I was going through my collection of songs yesterday, I happened upon one of my favorite live albums…Frampton comes Alive, by none other than Peter Frampton.
One of my favorite songs off this album is titled, “Lines On My Face”…It’s a great tune…check it out! Anyway, the reason I’m telling you this is because earlier that same day, a friend of mine called to ask some advice about a matter involving a young lady that he’s interested in.
The gist of the issue was this…My friend–that I’ll call Rick–wanted to know why he was having so much trouble advancing past the introduction stage. “I have her phone number, we’ve talked several times already, I just can’t seem to get along much further than that” he said with a tinge of frustration.
Instead of offering up any advice, I just asked him to continue talking about what he thought he was doing wrong. Then I just listened. After about five minutes or so, it became apparent what the problem was. Rick hadn’t done anything wrong at all….that is, if just learning techniques, tips and tricks to get the attention of a woman was the desired end result. He had that down.
Rick had been following some of the “experts” out there that teach pick-up lines and such, as a way to get women interested in them. Funny…I didn’t know people actually used lines at all, let alone in this day and age.
You see, what Rick didn’t know was that women can see a carpetbagger coming down the street with his bag of snake oil long before he reaches the edge of the city limits. What I suggested to Rick was to completely dump the so-called strategies and learn how to be comfortable in his own skin.
Learning to use your own natural gifts, then learning the confidence and poise that women find incredibly attractive is a much better way to attract women. After all, you can attract more bees with sugar than with vinegar.
I know, I know, it doesn’t sound very sexy does it; learning to be a better you.
But then again neither does lines written all over your face.
Stephen E. Gordon
“Making Magic Daily”
Début de l'événement
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Modern Chivalry: Why Courtesy Still Matters
Modern Chivalry: Why Courtesy Still Matters
The Wingwoman
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
I dont want a man who is insane, cant take care of him self, cant do nothing for me in bed, OF COURSE cheat/lie and invades my privacy. If anyone thinks that these are okay then you obviously fit one of these profiles yourself.
1)WEAKNESS: A man/woman who cheats is weak. Yes you can say you’d never know what you’d do in that situation but me, yes it might hurt but id get over it in due time. I defiantly would not look back because I have no tolerance for weaknesses. In my eyes you are pathetic.
2) LOCKED KEY: ARE YOU CRAZY! you obviously fit with number 5 and 1. and im not into hitting two birds with one stone in this case. TRUST is the key to any relationship, if you go through my stuff the obviously you dont trust me and without trust the relationship will not last. COMMUNICATION is the second key to a relationship, if you think something is going on ASK! dont snoop cause that just aint cute!
3) CONCEDED NOT CONFIDENT : “Its not that im conceded, im just confident” bla bla bla. In one ear and out the other. Everyone knows the difference between being proud of who you are to just thinking your the shit. I dont care HOW cute you are, at this age its obvious that looks dont get you far, personality is key. A personality can make you the hottest thing on the planet.
4) BLOND: if i cant have an intelligent conversation with you its a defiant NO! If you dont know whats going on in the world and ur stuck in your little bubble its a NO! and if you say “like” or always look confused its a HELL NO!
5) USHER SAID IT BEST: dont blame me for you past ex’s mistakes. I dont want to be reminded of the past pain, cause i didnt cause it. I am me, so the brick wall needs to come down else it just wont work. Comparing me to a person i dont even know and have no relations with is just crazy. Look into my eyes and hold to the truth of my heart cause trust I wont pay for anyone else’s mistake
streetztalk, on February 5th, 2009 at 6:33 pm Said:
@ Connie and Reecie: I should’ve put quotes around “sex isn’t everything”, lol. I definitely subscribe to your ways of thinking. To me, no matter how compatible, bad sex is a finisher! Its like waiting until Christmas for that pair of Jordans, only to unwrap your present and see a shiny new pair of British Knights. Not a good look!
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
I dont want a man who is insane, cant take care of him self, cant do nothing for me in bed, OF COURSE cheat/lie and invades my privacy. If anyone thinks that these are okay then you obviously fit one of these profiles yourself.
1)WEAKNESS: A man/woman who cheats is weak. Yes you can say you’d never know what you’d do in that situation but me, yes it might hurt but id get over it in due time. I defiantly would not look back because I have no tolerance for weaknesses. In my eyes you are pathetic.
2) LOCKED KEY: ARE YOU CRAZY! you obviously fit with number 5 and 1. and im not into hitting two birds with one stone in this case. TRUST is the key to any relationship, if you go through my stuff the obviously you dont trust me and without trust the relationship will not last. COMMUNICATION is the second key to a relationship, if you think something is going on ASK! dont snoop cause that just aint cute!
3) CONCEDED NOT CONFIDENT : “Its not that im conceded, im just confident” bla bla bla. In one ear and out the other. Everyone knows the difference between being proud of who you are to just thinking your the shit. I dont care HOW cute you are, at this age its obvious that looks dont get you far, personality is key. A personality can make you the hottest thing on the planet.
4) BLOND: if i cant have an intelligent conversation with you its a defiant NO! If you dont know whats going on in the world and ur stuck in your little bubble its a NO! and if you say “like” or always look confused its a HELL NO!
5) USHER SAID IT BEST: dont blame me for you past ex’s mistakes. I dont want to be reminded of the past pain, cause i didnt cause it. I am me, so the brick wall needs to come down else it just wont work. Comparing me to a person i dont even know and have no relations with is just crazy. Look into my eyes and hold to the truth of my heart cause trust I wont pay for anyone else’s mistake
streetztalk, on February 5th, 2009 at 6:33 pm Said:
@ Connie and Reecie: I should’ve put quotes around “sex isn’t everything”, lol. I definitely subscribe to your ways of thinking. To me, no matter how compatible, bad sex is a finisher! Its like waiting until Christmas for that pair of Jordans, only to unwrap your present and see a shiny new pair of British Knights. Not a good look!
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Online Dating Breakups: How to End Things Gracefully
Online Dating Breakups: How to End Things Gracefully
Paranoia and Relationships: How Far Is Too Far?
Love Without A Limit?!
I Got That White Girl: The Hampton Edition.
Behind the Macho Mask
Witty Wisdom For Dating Mating And Crime-Fighting
The Cruelest Things Women Consistently Do To Men
Dating Do’s And Dont’s For “Nice” Guys And Girls
Closure And The Big Owe.
The Most Overrated Things About New York City
Cobi Says:
January 2nd, 2012 at 11:57 pm
It didn’t seem too rediculous to ask because the guy was an a-hole to her, other girls, and my friends and I.
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 2:41 am
I’m sorry if this is bothering you, I don’t want to make this a hastle for you…
MidoriLei Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 11:42 am
Cobi, not a hassle for me at all! It’s my job:) and I’m happy to help. I’m a little confused. Was he flirting with her and being an a-hole to her at the same time? What did you say and do in the situation?
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Well he was flirting with her and he was an a-hole to me and everyone else, not her. I told him off and then she said I was being rude and immature. So I am really not sure what to do. Then she told me that my behavior dissapointed her so…
MidoriLei Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 4:31 pm
Cobi, what did you tell her when she said that you were being rude, immature and that she was disappointed? Here’s what you can say, “I’m sorry I reacted that way. I was highly offended, disrespected and acted out in anger– because he was being rude to me and hitting on my woman. I don’t want to disappoint you. What do you think I should have said or done in the situation?”
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 5:12 pm
Thank you very much for the advice, MidoriLei. I have high respect for you. I have a new problem now. She says we have changed and that we are still a lost cause. What can I do or say to fix our relationship? Its used to be great, and she says she misses what I used to do, like hanging out and doing things. I try my best, but I am too busy with my training. I train at least 3 hours a day for cage fighting, and I am not giving it up inder any circumstance. What should I do to save our relationship?
Cobi Says:
January 4th, 2012 at 12:41 am
I guess maybe my best just isn’t enough. I am sorry to waste your time, MidoriLei.
Love Without A Limit?!
I Got That White Girl: The Hampton Edition.
Behind the Macho Mask
Witty Wisdom For Dating Mating And Crime-Fighting
The Cruelest Things Women Consistently Do To Men
Dating Do’s And Dont’s For “Nice” Guys And Girls
Closure And The Big Owe.
The Most Overrated Things About New York City
Cobi Says:
January 2nd, 2012 at 11:57 pm
It didn’t seem too rediculous to ask because the guy was an a-hole to her, other girls, and my friends and I.
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 2:41 am
I’m sorry if this is bothering you, I don’t want to make this a hastle for you…
MidoriLei Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 11:42 am
Cobi, not a hassle for me at all! It’s my job:) and I’m happy to help. I’m a little confused. Was he flirting with her and being an a-hole to her at the same time? What did you say and do in the situation?
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Well he was flirting with her and he was an a-hole to me and everyone else, not her. I told him off and then she said I was being rude and immature. So I am really not sure what to do. Then she told me that my behavior dissapointed her so…
MidoriLei Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 4:31 pm
Cobi, what did you tell her when she said that you were being rude, immature and that she was disappointed? Here’s what you can say, “I’m sorry I reacted that way. I was highly offended, disrespected and acted out in anger– because he was being rude to me and hitting on my woman. I don’t want to disappoint you. What do you think I should have said or done in the situation?”
Cobi Says:
January 3rd, 2012 at 5:12 pm
Thank you very much for the advice, MidoriLei. I have high respect for you. I have a new problem now. She says we have changed and that we are still a lost cause. What can I do or say to fix our relationship? Its used to be great, and she says she misses what I used to do, like hanging out and doing things. I try my best, but I am too busy with my training. I train at least 3 hours a day for cage fighting, and I am not giving it up inder any circumstance. What should I do to save our relationship?
Cobi Says:
January 4th, 2012 at 12:41 am
I guess maybe my best just isn’t enough. I am sorry to waste your time, MidoriLei.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Online dating is boring. Here's how to entertain yourself
Online dating is boring. Here's how to entertain yourself
Can You Date A Younger Man?
The Qualities Of A Good Make Out Buddy
When Guys Should Pay On A Date And Why
Playing Games When Dating
How to Hit on Someone via Facebook
What Not To Say On A First Date?
Why Hasn't He Called and What Should I Do About It?
Getting Prepped for a First Date
Defriending Your Ex On Facebook
The people on online dating sites are so boring. Sometimes, you've just got to entertain yourself. Here are some IM conversations I've had with people:
[Day before the first date]
Her: I'm really nervous. You're not going to rape and murder me, are you?
Me: Don't worry, I'm not going to murder you.
Her: i make enough
Her: enough to travel when i am not working
Me: do you have any left over for retirement?
Me: i'm such a jew
Her: haha
Her: i haven't started planning that at all
Her: i am only 27
Her: it's the new 14
Her: :)
Me: lol
Me: now i'm even more attracted to you
Her: i have pubes.
Me: a little less
Me: brb, gotta pee again.
Me: I've got the bladder of a bunny
Me: It's in my pocket
[Talking to an Asian girl ]
Me: yeah you people all look the same to us
Me: you're a chick, right?
Her: hahaha
Her: white people look the same to us Asians
Me: sure we do
Me: that's because you're always squinting
Her: hahahaha
Me: open your eyes and you'd see the difference
[to a Japanese girl...]
Me: btw, i gotta insult you on not knowing about japanese porn. Have you no culture?
Me: what would your parents say?
Her: i know it exists!
Her: my parents taught me that much at least!
Me: haha
Me: yeah but you don't know much about it. Unlike me
Me: i'm somewhat of an expert. A pornnaisseur, if you will.
Her: hahaha i like that word
The Qualities Of A Good Make Out Buddy
When Guys Should Pay On A Date And Why
Playing Games When Dating
How to Hit on Someone via Facebook
What Not To Say On A First Date?
Why Hasn't He Called and What Should I Do About It?
Getting Prepped for a First Date
Defriending Your Ex On Facebook
The people on online dating sites are so boring. Sometimes, you've just got to entertain yourself. Here are some IM conversations I've had with people:
[Day before the first date]
Her: I'm really nervous. You're not going to rape and murder me, are you?
Me: Don't worry, I'm not going to murder you.
Her: i make enough
Her: enough to travel when i am not working
Me: do you have any left over for retirement?
Me: i'm such a jew
Her: haha
Her: i haven't started planning that at all
Her: i am only 27
Her: it's the new 14
Her: :)
Me: lol
Me: now i'm even more attracted to you
Her: i have pubes.
Me: a little less
Me: brb, gotta pee again.
Me: I've got the bladder of a bunny
Me: It's in my pocket
[Talking to an Asian girl ]
Me: yeah you people all look the same to us
Me: you're a chick, right?
Her: hahaha
Her: white people look the same to us Asians
Me: sure we do
Me: that's because you're always squinting
Her: hahahaha
Me: open your eyes and you'd see the difference
[to a Japanese girl...]
Me: btw, i gotta insult you on not knowing about japanese porn. Have you no culture?
Me: what would your parents say?
Her: i know it exists!
Her: my parents taught me that much at least!
Me: haha
Me: yeah but you don't know much about it. Unlike me
Me: i'm somewhat of an expert. A pornnaisseur, if you will.
Her: hahaha i like that word
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Pour sa 6ème édition, POP MIND vous donne rendez-vous à l’Antipode, à Rennes, les 13, 14 et 15 mai prochains. Trois jours pour prendre le temps de la rencontre et penser ensemble le monde de demain !
POP MIND est un espace de rencontres, d’échanges et de recherches prospectives, qui propose de questionner les grands enjeux actuels, d’interroger nos pratiques professionnelles et citoyennes, et de découvrir de nouvelles pistes de réflexion.
C’est un événement gratuit et ouvert à tou·tes.
That Awkward Moment When The Relationship Ends
Pissing On Trees and Staking Claims At The Club
Men Have Dating Difficulties Too
The May/December Romance
The Female Marriage Proposal
How to Go on Vacation With Your Boyfriend Family
The Power of Positive P*ssy Reinforcement
A Breakdown of A Belle In Brooklyn’s “Man Manual”
POP MIND est un espace de rencontres, d’échanges et de recherches prospectives, qui propose de questionner les grands enjeux actuels, d’interroger nos pratiques professionnelles et citoyennes, et de découvrir de nouvelles pistes de réflexion.
C’est un événement gratuit et ouvert à tou·tes.
That Awkward Moment When The Relationship Ends
Pissing On Trees and Staking Claims At The Club
Men Have Dating Difficulties Too
The May/December Romance
The Female Marriage Proposal
How to Go on Vacation With Your Boyfriend Family
The Power of Positive P*ssy Reinforcement
A Breakdown of A Belle In Brooklyn’s “Man Manual”
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Adresse url

Antipode, 75 avenue Jules Maniez
Code postal
Possibly My Best Solo Day Game Day Ever
Possibly My Best Solo Day Game Day Ever
Do You Reveal Too Much About Your Relationship?
Be Yourself: The Truth About Authentic Dating
Why So Many Relationships End at 90 Days
There really are NO BAD DATES!
How The Law of Attraction Can Help You Find Love
A Dude Diner’s Doctrine
Soundtrax To Your Life: Pre-Date Tunes
Ms. Awesome’s Advice for Men
Bad Relationships Aren’t Investments
How To Get A One Nite Stand Out Of Your Apartment
I’m still in my head to much when I’m rolling solo during the day. If I’m with my friends and having a good time, I can approach, because it’s almost like they expect me to approach. Like I’m the guy that has the balls to do the shit they don’t.
But, solo dolo, is generally a no go.
I say I’m going to approach, but then I talk myself out of every approach, Naw, nevermind, she’s only about a 6, Nevermind, she’s older than I thought she was…etc, etc.
So, I told myself, I was going to chill with this shit. I had a paper to write, but I don’t have class on Wednesday’s, so I decided to spend Wednesday at another school – work on my paper and get a few approaches in.
I was going to wake up at like 7am and eat breakfast and all that jazz and then head out to another school outside of the city, in a nearby town.
So, I wake up, but by the time I’m about to head out of the door, it’s later than I said I was going to get out.
Now, I don’t feel like driving up to another town. I’ll just go to this school downtown that I’ve never been to before and check it out.
I get up there, and walk around a bit.
Same old shit. Not approaching. Talking myself out of every approach. Naw, not her. Next one.
Eventually, I just give up and go to the library to work on my paper. I get in there and what the fuck? You can’t log into the internet without being a student there – really? No open wifi? Y’all suck.
I go downstairs to just grab something to eat and decide where to go now.
When I’m grabbing something out of the cafeteria, I notice one of the chicks at the cash register is cute. I go to her line.
I get up to her and she’s texting on the phone… “Look at you, texting on the job…”
She laughs, “Everybody texts on the job!”
I chat with her for bit, while she rings up my food, I make fun of her finger nail color and stuff. Then, I hit her with, “you are kinda cute though…”
“Thank you..”
“What’s your name?”
“[Her name]” I had already moved past a bit, so as not to hold up the line, she’s already checking out the next person in line, so I don’t really go for the close, I just tell her my name as well…
“Oh, okay! Nice to meet you [Willy Wonka]!” She smiles at me and then turns back to the customer she was checking out now.
Welp, at least that’s out of the way.
I eat. Then, I decide to head to another school on the other side of downtown. I’ve been up there once before to buy a textbook from their bookstore.
I get up there. Same thing. I walk around, scope the place out, but don’t approach.
Again, I decide to go to the library to start my paper.
I start a little bit, get a little bit written, but I can’t help but to be frustrated that I haven’t really approached anything. One chick that’s a cashier doesn’t even count that much – she’s paid to talk to customers.
So, I pack up my books and drop them in my bag and head back down the elevator.
I’m opening the first cute chick I see, no excuses.
I walk outside, and I see a cute chick across the street, sit down at the top of some steps.
Fuck it. Go for it.
I walk across the street and straight up the steps to her, “Hey, you got an interesting little school girl look to you…”
She laughs… “haha… what?”
“It’s your dress.”
“You look cute, though.”
“Awwwww…. thank you.”
“What building is this?” [snip thread, go into something else]
She tells me that it’s the theater, they do shows in their, she just came back from dance, she’s a model. She likes to go to clubs, she’s a psych major – then she tells me all about some paper she just wrote about children as young as two years old getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder and then getting prescribed adult medication. I could tell she was passionate about the subject, so I let her talk…
She stopped herself, “I’m sorry, I’m such a braniac…”
“Naw, it’s cool, so you’re saying the temporal lobes and the hippocampus that are the parts of the brain where they test to detect bipolar disorder?” [show that I'm listening, let her talk about something she cares about]
She picks it back up and continues.
I feel like this set is going well, but at the same time, I never really did any attraction – no real teasing or DHVs, just a very chit chatty vibe. Comfort game type stuff.
After she gets off of a subject she’s so passionate about, I start to drop teases in more where I can.
We talk for a bit, and then I think she tries to excuse herself by saying, “It’s hot out here, I’m about to go back inside. You’re welcome to come with me, though. “
I didn’t really like this frame of her going inside cuz it was hot, and me tagging along just to continue to talk to her. I try to excuse myself, “Naw, I actually need to go work on my paper.”
“Oh okay. Where are you working on your paper at?”
“Just in the library.”
“Oh, why don’t you just do it in the iMac room?”
“The iMac room?”
“Yeah, you’ve never seen the iMac room? It’s a computer lab in this building right here with a bunch of brand new iMacs. It’s really nice, I could show you.”
“Alright, show me.”
And, we walk towards that buidling. While walking, some dude says “what’s up” to her. She says “hey”. Then he tries to clown me, “Nice haircut bro.”
I ignore him the first time. ”Hey dude, I’m talking to you man.”
I turn my head, “Me?”
“Yeah. Nice haircut, bro.”
“Thanks.” I acted like he just gave me a compliment, eventhough I knew he was trying to clown me. I don’t know what that was all about, but I get it shortly, as Model/Dancer/Psyc Major tells me about it. She met him through a friend, then he found her on Facebook and tried to date her, etc, etc. She made him sound lame as hell, you could tell she was a bit annoyed by him too. ”He actually never talks to me anymore, I’m surprised he said ‘what’s up’ to me right there” she says.
Anyway, we get to the computer lab, she wraps up her paper and goes to class which was about to start. I start on my paper. I stay in the computer lab working on my paper, and she comes back in there when she should’ve been in class – “I was bored in class, I thought I’d come by and see if you were still here.”
“You got bored in class, so you left?”
“No, I’m going back. All my stuff is still in there.”
Ha, I’ll call that an IOI.
Anyway, I Facebook closed her of course – when we first got to the computer lab.
After sitting there, writing my paper for awhile I get hungry, and decide to go home and eat something.
I’m almost to my car, when another car parks in front of mine and a cute chick gets out. She starts walking toward the school. I can’t help myself, I walk up to her and stop her, “Excuse me, can I just say something? The way you got out of that car, it reminded me of a grandmother…”
She laughs… “What?… I, I, I wasn’t trying to…”
I snip her gibberish, “Naw, but you are cute though.”
She lights up. We start talking, she keeps saying she’s about to be late for class, but I keep drawing her back in. I get my phone out and I have it in my hand and I ask if she’s on Facebook, she says that she is, but then we start talking about something else. ”No, I really am about to be late for class, I need to get going.”
“Alright, here, put your name in here.” I hand her my phone.
She puts her name in my phone, but only her first name.
I read it and mispronounce it.
She laughs and then double checks to make sure she spelled it right. I make fun of her for only putting in her first name, she says her first name isn’t very common.
“So, there aren’t any other [her names]?”
“No, there are.”
I hand my phone back to her and she puts her last name in too. I tell her it was nice meeting her, and then I move on.
3 total sets. 2 Facebook closes. I’ll call that a decent day. Better than I normal day when I go out sarging alone.
Be Yourself: The Truth About Authentic Dating
Why So Many Relationships End at 90 Days
There really are NO BAD DATES!
How The Law of Attraction Can Help You Find Love
A Dude Diner’s Doctrine
Soundtrax To Your Life: Pre-Date Tunes
Ms. Awesome’s Advice for Men
Bad Relationships Aren’t Investments
How To Get A One Nite Stand Out Of Your Apartment
I’m still in my head to much when I’m rolling solo during the day. If I’m with my friends and having a good time, I can approach, because it’s almost like they expect me to approach. Like I’m the guy that has the balls to do the shit they don’t.
But, solo dolo, is generally a no go.
I say I’m going to approach, but then I talk myself out of every approach, Naw, nevermind, she’s only about a 6, Nevermind, she’s older than I thought she was…etc, etc.
So, I told myself, I was going to chill with this shit. I had a paper to write, but I don’t have class on Wednesday’s, so I decided to spend Wednesday at another school – work on my paper and get a few approaches in.
I was going to wake up at like 7am and eat breakfast and all that jazz and then head out to another school outside of the city, in a nearby town.
So, I wake up, but by the time I’m about to head out of the door, it’s later than I said I was going to get out.
Now, I don’t feel like driving up to another town. I’ll just go to this school downtown that I’ve never been to before and check it out.
I get up there, and walk around a bit.
Same old shit. Not approaching. Talking myself out of every approach. Naw, not her. Next one.
Eventually, I just give up and go to the library to work on my paper. I get in there and what the fuck? You can’t log into the internet without being a student there – really? No open wifi? Y’all suck.
I go downstairs to just grab something to eat and decide where to go now.
When I’m grabbing something out of the cafeteria, I notice one of the chicks at the cash register is cute. I go to her line.
I get up to her and she’s texting on the phone… “Look at you, texting on the job…”
She laughs, “Everybody texts on the job!”
I chat with her for bit, while she rings up my food, I make fun of her finger nail color and stuff. Then, I hit her with, “you are kinda cute though…”
“Thank you..”
“What’s your name?”
“[Her name]” I had already moved past a bit, so as not to hold up the line, she’s already checking out the next person in line, so I don’t really go for the close, I just tell her my name as well…
“Oh, okay! Nice to meet you [Willy Wonka]!” She smiles at me and then turns back to the customer she was checking out now.
Welp, at least that’s out of the way.
I eat. Then, I decide to head to another school on the other side of downtown. I’ve been up there once before to buy a textbook from their bookstore.
I get up there. Same thing. I walk around, scope the place out, but don’t approach.
Again, I decide to go to the library to start my paper.
I start a little bit, get a little bit written, but I can’t help but to be frustrated that I haven’t really approached anything. One chick that’s a cashier doesn’t even count that much – she’s paid to talk to customers.
So, I pack up my books and drop them in my bag and head back down the elevator.
I’m opening the first cute chick I see, no excuses.
I walk outside, and I see a cute chick across the street, sit down at the top of some steps.
Fuck it. Go for it.
I walk across the street and straight up the steps to her, “Hey, you got an interesting little school girl look to you…”
She laughs… “haha… what?”
“It’s your dress.”
“You look cute, though.”
“Awwwww…. thank you.”
“What building is this?” [snip thread, go into something else]
She tells me that it’s the theater, they do shows in their, she just came back from dance, she’s a model. She likes to go to clubs, she’s a psych major – then she tells me all about some paper she just wrote about children as young as two years old getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder and then getting prescribed adult medication. I could tell she was passionate about the subject, so I let her talk…
She stopped herself, “I’m sorry, I’m such a braniac…”
“Naw, it’s cool, so you’re saying the temporal lobes and the hippocampus that are the parts of the brain where they test to detect bipolar disorder?” [show that I'm listening, let her talk about something she cares about]
She picks it back up and continues.
I feel like this set is going well, but at the same time, I never really did any attraction – no real teasing or DHVs, just a very chit chatty vibe. Comfort game type stuff.
After she gets off of a subject she’s so passionate about, I start to drop teases in more where I can.
We talk for a bit, and then I think she tries to excuse herself by saying, “It’s hot out here, I’m about to go back inside. You’re welcome to come with me, though. “
I didn’t really like this frame of her going inside cuz it was hot, and me tagging along just to continue to talk to her. I try to excuse myself, “Naw, I actually need to go work on my paper.”
“Oh okay. Where are you working on your paper at?”
“Just in the library.”
“Oh, why don’t you just do it in the iMac room?”
“The iMac room?”
“Yeah, you’ve never seen the iMac room? It’s a computer lab in this building right here with a bunch of brand new iMacs. It’s really nice, I could show you.”
“Alright, show me.”
And, we walk towards that buidling. While walking, some dude says “what’s up” to her. She says “hey”. Then he tries to clown me, “Nice haircut bro.”
I ignore him the first time. ”Hey dude, I’m talking to you man.”
I turn my head, “Me?”
“Yeah. Nice haircut, bro.”
“Thanks.” I acted like he just gave me a compliment, eventhough I knew he was trying to clown me. I don’t know what that was all about, but I get it shortly, as Model/Dancer/Psyc Major tells me about it. She met him through a friend, then he found her on Facebook and tried to date her, etc, etc. She made him sound lame as hell, you could tell she was a bit annoyed by him too. ”He actually never talks to me anymore, I’m surprised he said ‘what’s up’ to me right there” she says.
Anyway, we get to the computer lab, she wraps up her paper and goes to class which was about to start. I start on my paper. I stay in the computer lab working on my paper, and she comes back in there when she should’ve been in class – “I was bored in class, I thought I’d come by and see if you were still here.”
“You got bored in class, so you left?”
“No, I’m going back. All my stuff is still in there.”
Ha, I’ll call that an IOI.
Anyway, I Facebook closed her of course – when we first got to the computer lab.
After sitting there, writing my paper for awhile I get hungry, and decide to go home and eat something.
I’m almost to my car, when another car parks in front of mine and a cute chick gets out. She starts walking toward the school. I can’t help myself, I walk up to her and stop her, “Excuse me, can I just say something? The way you got out of that car, it reminded me of a grandmother…”
She laughs… “What?… I, I, I wasn’t trying to…”
I snip her gibberish, “Naw, but you are cute though.”
She lights up. We start talking, she keeps saying she’s about to be late for class, but I keep drawing her back in. I get my phone out and I have it in my hand and I ask if she’s on Facebook, she says that she is, but then we start talking about something else. ”No, I really am about to be late for class, I need to get going.”
“Alright, here, put your name in here.” I hand her my phone.
She puts her name in my phone, but only her first name.
I read it and mispronounce it.
She laughs and then double checks to make sure she spelled it right. I make fun of her for only putting in her first name, she says her first name isn’t very common.
“So, there aren’t any other [her names]?”
“No, there are.”
I hand my phone back to her and she puts her last name in too. I tell her it was nice meeting her, and then I move on.
3 total sets. 2 Facebook closes. I’ll call that a decent day. Better than I normal day when I go out sarging alone.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Red Flags on the First Date: Spotting the Signs Early
Red Flags on the First Date: Spotting the Signs Early
Questioning Dating Perferences
Jaded About Dating
Endless Evidence Gathering
Snooping on a Partner
Interracial Dating And Relationships
Why Do You Want to Be in a Relationship?
Being Really Smart Can Work Against A Woman
Flexibility in Modern Relationships
"Till Death Do Us Part"
Assembly Line of Hot
The Art of Selective Truths in Dating
Warning Signs on the First Date
FYI, Nathan, in the end I chose door number 2. And it's a good thing I did. Because, right after I made my choice, my flakey friend told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship. (How's that for upfront, lol)
Guy #2 and I got off the site this week and are having an amazing time now, knock on wood :)
Which seems to prove my point that, if a man doesn't show initiative, then pushing and prodding him will accomplish nothing ;)
AnonymousDec 12, 2011 03:40 PM
Apparently, in most world cultures, women never ask men out, even in North America, because they think she's a prostitute. And men are expected to show initiative while women aren't allowed to have interest in men at all, except men they see in the media, whom they normally won't meet in real life. And most men don't like it when women look at them, make moves or act chivalrous with them. They get very bitchy and violent.
So, you've done the work on yourself to be ready and open for a relationship. You've tried every option and avenue you can think of. You been on countless dates with countless people and still, you're sitting here single.
May I suggest something? It's time to give up.
Specifically, give up the attachment you have to finding and having a committed partner in your life.
The way I see it, the effort of going on dates, trying out new ways to meet people, and opening space for dating and a potential new partner are all necessary ingredients. However, at the same time, none of that will necessarily lead you to getting that person you want into your life. And to push the idea above further, there's a point where focus on finding a partner slides into obsession.
In other words, sometimes more effort and mental energy are not at all what's needed - letting go completely is is what's needed. Because when you actually finally do that, you realize that it's all an ebb and flow and that letting go of your desire for relationship doesn't have to be some depressing finality, but that it's basically about admitting that you don't know. Don't know if doing anything else is needed. Or if it's going to happen or not eventually.
Jaded About Dating
Endless Evidence Gathering
Snooping on a Partner
Interracial Dating And Relationships
Why Do You Want to Be in a Relationship?
Being Really Smart Can Work Against A Woman
Flexibility in Modern Relationships
"Till Death Do Us Part"
Assembly Line of Hot
The Art of Selective Truths in Dating
Warning Signs on the First Date
FYI, Nathan, in the end I chose door number 2. And it's a good thing I did. Because, right after I made my choice, my flakey friend told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship. (How's that for upfront, lol)
Guy #2 and I got off the site this week and are having an amazing time now, knock on wood :)
Which seems to prove my point that, if a man doesn't show initiative, then pushing and prodding him will accomplish nothing ;)
AnonymousDec 12, 2011 03:40 PM
Apparently, in most world cultures, women never ask men out, even in North America, because they think she's a prostitute. And men are expected to show initiative while women aren't allowed to have interest in men at all, except men they see in the media, whom they normally won't meet in real life. And most men don't like it when women look at them, make moves or act chivalrous with them. They get very bitchy and violent.
So, you've done the work on yourself to be ready and open for a relationship. You've tried every option and avenue you can think of. You been on countless dates with countless people and still, you're sitting here single.
May I suggest something? It's time to give up.
Specifically, give up the attachment you have to finding and having a committed partner in your life.
The way I see it, the effort of going on dates, trying out new ways to meet people, and opening space for dating and a potential new partner are all necessary ingredients. However, at the same time, none of that will necessarily lead you to getting that person you want into your life. And to push the idea above further, there's a point where focus on finding a partner slides into obsession.
In other words, sometimes more effort and mental energy are not at all what's needed - letting go completely is is what's needed. Because when you actually finally do that, you realize that it's all an ebb and flow and that letting go of your desire for relationship doesn't have to be some depressing finality, but that it's basically about admitting that you don't know. Don't know if doing anything else is needed. Or if it's going to happen or not eventually.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Say No to Dating Pitfalls: A Practical Guide
Say No to Dating Pitfalls: A Practical Guide
Why I Keep Falling for Nurses and Teachers
Holiday Gifts to Avoid While Dating
Avoiding Dating Pitfalls with These 8 Mental Trick
A Look at Hollywood’s Relationship with Black Pain
Wild Cherry Flags
The Perils of Past Relationships
Jealousy: Wasted Energy or Relationship Fuel?
Master the Science of Getting Dumped with Style!
Fromm was perhaps the best known Freudian-Marxist, through
his text beloved of students, The Art of Loving (and, for the younger
generation in the 1950s and 1960s, his book The Sane Society).
It was something of a bible for many students on the psychology
degree I took in the late 1970s. They declared themselves to be
Freudian-Marxists ~ (in between vehemently denouncing the notion
Michel Foucault, who traded in the neo-Marxist cause in favour of a
depressive and sarcastic nihilism that intelligence is in any way heritable, in proto-PC style, or that inherent biological distinctions – especially sex – had any role at all to play in psychology). This unholy fusion aggressively assimilated the ‘me–me’ self-centredness that had grown out of the 1960s, and in the end developed into a form of extreme feminism. Fromm is one
of the few members of the Frankfurt School who engaged directly
with theorizing the problems of gender (sic) and the differences
between men and women. Fromm anticipated later attempts to
produce a feminist Marxism and poststructuralist analyses of the
‘socially constructed nature of gender’ (Kellner, n.d.).
Another notable Freudian-Marxist, who shared some common
intellectual ground with the Frankfurt School, was Michel Foucault,
who gave up the cause in profound disillusionment, developing the
apathetic relativism with which we’re all too familiar. Foucault was
a depressive and sarcastic nihilist; his anti-humanism leading him
to a theory of the insidiousness of ‘capitalist’ social ‘power’ that
makes us control ourselves in the prison of our own minds. This he
called ‘micro-fascism’. He certainly captured the zeitgeist. Although
Foucault made few references to women or to the issue of sex in
his writings, his treatment of the relations between power, the body
and sexuality stimulated extensive feminist interest. His idea that
the body and sexuality are cultural constructs rather than natural
phenomena made a significant contribution to the feminist critique
of biological ‘essentialism’.
The feminism derived from the ideas of these writers went beyond
the idea of destroying the family, to destroying any separateness
between the sexes, and promoting the displacement of men in
favour of a ‘matriarchy’. Once again this was taking a cue from
Marx in his notion of ‘a community of women’ (as outlined in The
Communist Manifesto). With the abandonment of the workers, the
largest constituency of the supposedly oppressed was deemed to be
women. As recently as 1993, Frankfurt School member Wilhelm
Reich claimed (in his book, The Mass Psychology of Fascism) that
matriarchy was the only ‘natural society’. According to Raymond
Raehn (Raehn, 1996):
Holiday Gifts to Avoid While Dating
Avoiding Dating Pitfalls with These 8 Mental Trick
A Look at Hollywood’s Relationship with Black Pain
Wild Cherry Flags
The Perils of Past Relationships
Jealousy: Wasted Energy or Relationship Fuel?
Master the Science of Getting Dumped with Style!
Fromm was perhaps the best known Freudian-Marxist, through
his text beloved of students, The Art of Loving (and, for the younger
generation in the 1950s and 1960s, his book The Sane Society).
It was something of a bible for many students on the psychology
degree I took in the late 1970s. They declared themselves to be
Freudian-Marxists ~ (in between vehemently denouncing the notion
Michel Foucault, who traded in the neo-Marxist cause in favour of a
depressive and sarcastic nihilism that intelligence is in any way heritable, in proto-PC style, or that inherent biological distinctions – especially sex – had any role at all to play in psychology). This unholy fusion aggressively assimilated the ‘me–me’ self-centredness that had grown out of the 1960s, and in the end developed into a form of extreme feminism. Fromm is one
of the few members of the Frankfurt School who engaged directly
with theorizing the problems of gender (sic) and the differences
between men and women. Fromm anticipated later attempts to
produce a feminist Marxism and poststructuralist analyses of the
‘socially constructed nature of gender’ (Kellner, n.d.).
Another notable Freudian-Marxist, who shared some common
intellectual ground with the Frankfurt School, was Michel Foucault,
who gave up the cause in profound disillusionment, developing the
apathetic relativism with which we’re all too familiar. Foucault was
a depressive and sarcastic nihilist; his anti-humanism leading him
to a theory of the insidiousness of ‘capitalist’ social ‘power’ that
makes us control ourselves in the prison of our own minds. This he
called ‘micro-fascism’. He certainly captured the zeitgeist. Although
Foucault made few references to women or to the issue of sex in
his writings, his treatment of the relations between power, the body
and sexuality stimulated extensive feminist interest. His idea that
the body and sexuality are cultural constructs rather than natural
phenomena made a significant contribution to the feminist critique
of biological ‘essentialism’.
The feminism derived from the ideas of these writers went beyond
the idea of destroying the family, to destroying any separateness
between the sexes, and promoting the displacement of men in
favour of a ‘matriarchy’. Once again this was taking a cue from
Marx in his notion of ‘a community of women’ (as outlined in The
Communist Manifesto). With the abandonment of the workers, the
largest constituency of the supposedly oppressed was deemed to be
women. As recently as 1993, Frankfurt School member Wilhelm
Reich claimed (in his book, The Mass Psychology of Fascism) that
matriarchy was the only ‘natural society’. According to Raymond
Raehn (Raehn, 1996):
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Self-Reflection: The First Step to Real Change
Self-Reflection: The First Step to Real Change
The Road Map to Love
Patriarchy Stole My Power and Now I'm Gonna Take it Back!
Digging Up Negative Dating Patterns
The Mama's Boy Myth
The Majority of "Dating Crimes" Are In Our Heads
The Dating Chase
The Physics of Relationships
Dating While "Fat"
Men Are Hardwired to Cheat And Other Silly Stories
The Conservative Backlash Towards Attempts to Liberate Relationships
Seeking to Change Your Partner
Sluts Studs And Straightjaket Sexuality
I imagine it can be very difficult to make sure your sexuality is not erased when you’re bisexual. People are fairly obtuse, and have difficulty accepting when others do not conform to their preconceived binaries. Given people’s tendencies to create strict binaries and cast out those who do not adhere to them, I’m sure many bisexual people are not welcomed in some gay communities for being “not gay enough” and not welcomed in some straight communities for being “not straight enough”, or their same-sex attraction is erased without constant insistence and reinforcement of it.
I’m interested in hearing experiences of biphobia if anyone wants to share. I’m wondering what unique types of bullshit the patriarchy comes up with for bisexual people.
Outrage and Sprinkles
Outrage and Sprinkles
May 13, 2013 at 10:19 am | Permalink
I’m a woman and my partner is a man, and we’re both bi. What tends to happen to us is just flat-out erasure. He works with a bunch of men, all very stereotypical manly men who are pretty much all homophobic/racist/sexist, and he has to hear their bullshit because they all assume he is straight. I don’t even want to know what it would be like for him there if they knew he was bi. He’s had male friends question his sexuality and question whether he’s really gay. I don’t get that kind of thing as much but it’s insulting when people question him, because we’ve been together almost six years and when they think he must be secretly gay they are questioning our relationship.
We haven’t been excluded from any communities for our identity, but there is a certain level of awareness we need to have. Like, we enjoy going to the gay bar because we feel safer and more comfortable there (we live in a conservative town in a liberal state, so a lot of bars can be breeding grounds for homophobic, racist, and sexist behavior) but unless we go as “friends” and don’t present as a couple, we could very well be seen as a straight couple in a gay bar, which in turn can make the gay and lesbian patrons feel unsafe or make us feel unwelcome.
A couple years ago at the local Pride fest the MC asked the crowd to cheer if they were gay men, then to cheer if they were lesbians, and that was it. We both looked at each other and went “Nope!”. I dunno, it’s the little things. We are both aware of our privilege as a couple that appears straight, but it’s a complicated privilege because it comes from our identities being hidden or erased.
Wow what kind of fail Pride MC was this?
Outrage and Sprinkles
Outrage and Sprinkles
Patriarchy Stole My Power and Now I'm Gonna Take it Back!
Digging Up Negative Dating Patterns
The Mama's Boy Myth
The Majority of "Dating Crimes" Are In Our Heads
The Dating Chase
The Physics of Relationships
Dating While "Fat"
Men Are Hardwired to Cheat And Other Silly Stories
The Conservative Backlash Towards Attempts to Liberate Relationships
Seeking to Change Your Partner
Sluts Studs And Straightjaket Sexuality
I imagine it can be very difficult to make sure your sexuality is not erased when you’re bisexual. People are fairly obtuse, and have difficulty accepting when others do not conform to their preconceived binaries. Given people’s tendencies to create strict binaries and cast out those who do not adhere to them, I’m sure many bisexual people are not welcomed in some gay communities for being “not gay enough” and not welcomed in some straight communities for being “not straight enough”, or their same-sex attraction is erased without constant insistence and reinforcement of it.
I’m interested in hearing experiences of biphobia if anyone wants to share. I’m wondering what unique types of bullshit the patriarchy comes up with for bisexual people.
Outrage and Sprinkles
Outrage and Sprinkles
May 13, 2013 at 10:19 am | Permalink
I’m a woman and my partner is a man, and we’re both bi. What tends to happen to us is just flat-out erasure. He works with a bunch of men, all very stereotypical manly men who are pretty much all homophobic/racist/sexist, and he has to hear their bullshit because they all assume he is straight. I don’t even want to know what it would be like for him there if they knew he was bi. He’s had male friends question his sexuality and question whether he’s really gay. I don’t get that kind of thing as much but it’s insulting when people question him, because we’ve been together almost six years and when they think he must be secretly gay they are questioning our relationship.
We haven’t been excluded from any communities for our identity, but there is a certain level of awareness we need to have. Like, we enjoy going to the gay bar because we feel safer and more comfortable there (we live in a conservative town in a liberal state, so a lot of bars can be breeding grounds for homophobic, racist, and sexist behavior) but unless we go as “friends” and don’t present as a couple, we could very well be seen as a straight couple in a gay bar, which in turn can make the gay and lesbian patrons feel unsafe or make us feel unwelcome.
A couple years ago at the local Pride fest the MC asked the crowd to cheer if they were gay men, then to cheer if they were lesbians, and that was it. We both looked at each other and went “Nope!”. I dunno, it’s the little things. We are both aware of our privilege as a couple that appears straight, but it’s a complicated privilege because it comes from our identities being hidden or erased.
Wow what kind of fail Pride MC was this?
Outrage and Sprinkles
Outrage and Sprinkles
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Séminaire de convergence à Villarceaux
Séminaire de convergence à Villarceaux
Le Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire, en partenariat avec le Collectif pour la Transition Citoyenne et le Collectif des Associations Citoyennes, organise une rencontre de trois jours qui se tiendra à la Bergerie de Villarceaux du 21 au 23 mai 2024.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement

La Bergerie de Villarceaux
Code postal
Splitting the Rent and the Heart: Money in Love
Splitting the Rent and the Heart: Money in Love
Do I Belong With You or Do You Own Me?
Is Jealousy a Human Survival Mechanism?
What is Fidelity?
Aren’t Open Relationships All About Sex?
So, You Found Out He’s Lying…
What To Do With a Badly Behaving Lover?
Girls Runs The World?!
The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On
How To Date A Virgin
Saying anything akin to “most men will not work for sex” is just a lie. The men who will not work for sex are the men for whom sex comes easily, and that is very, very, very few men. I know, sad truth. But still truth.
Anyway, this is where GirlGame comes into play, GirlGame is a dating market skill that allows a girl to find a quality guy, and impress upon him that she is yet a notch above all those other hot, feminine, available women that he can also get.
Thanks, PA.
Real life case study:
My friend was dating this guy. Was he alpha? Was he beta? Who the f– cares, she liked him. He would always flake, last minute, and/or call her up, last minute (we’re talking “last minute” like, at 10 p.m. on a Friday, when she’d already made plans). She tried to accommodate him, but she also wanted to get out of the house before 10 (so she often made other plans that she’d end up canceling). She got annoyed. She stopped making plans with him (because he was always flaking), and she stopped canceling any pre-made plans with other people, just to see him.
Result: He started making plans with her earlier. They are dating.
Now, is this how EVERY SINGLE MAN IN AMERICA WILL ACT, WITHOUT FAIL? No. It’s one situation. Don’t read too much into it, people, because it will just hurt your head.
Real life case study #2:
My friend liked this guy. Again, alpha/beta/who cares. Really…people going around trying to point out alphas/betas are like people walking around with their IQ’s emblazoned across their shirts. Anyway. Guy is always flaking last-minute. Friend decided to stop making concrete plans with guy. Guy didn’t care — apparently wasn’t interested. Friend cried a river of tears, went insane, and killed herself from the devastation of it.
Do I Belong With You or Do You Own Me?
Is Jealousy a Human Survival Mechanism?
What is Fidelity?
Aren’t Open Relationships All About Sex?
So, You Found Out He’s Lying…
What To Do With a Badly Behaving Lover?
Girls Runs The World?!
The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On
How To Date A Virgin
Saying anything akin to “most men will not work for sex” is just a lie. The men who will not work for sex are the men for whom sex comes easily, and that is very, very, very few men. I know, sad truth. But still truth.
Anyway, this is where GirlGame comes into play, GirlGame is a dating market skill that allows a girl to find a quality guy, and impress upon him that she is yet a notch above all those other hot, feminine, available women that he can also get.
Thanks, PA.
Real life case study:
My friend was dating this guy. Was he alpha? Was he beta? Who the f– cares, she liked him. He would always flake, last minute, and/or call her up, last minute (we’re talking “last minute” like, at 10 p.m. on a Friday, when she’d already made plans). She tried to accommodate him, but she also wanted to get out of the house before 10 (so she often made other plans that she’d end up canceling). She got annoyed. She stopped making plans with him (because he was always flaking), and she stopped canceling any pre-made plans with other people, just to see him.
Result: He started making plans with her earlier. They are dating.
Now, is this how EVERY SINGLE MAN IN AMERICA WILL ACT, WITHOUT FAIL? No. It’s one situation. Don’t read too much into it, people, because it will just hurt your head.
Real life case study #2:
My friend liked this guy. Again, alpha/beta/who cares. Really…people going around trying to point out alphas/betas are like people walking around with their IQ’s emblazoned across their shirts. Anyway. Guy is always flaking last-minute. Friend decided to stop making concrete plans with guy. Guy didn’t care — apparently wasn’t interested. Friend cried a river of tears, went insane, and killed herself from the devastation of it.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Swipe, Chat, Repeat: The Impact of Online Dating on Modern Relationships
Swipe, Chat, Repeat: The Impact of Online Dating on Modern Relationships
8 Things Commonly Assumed To Be Black That Ain’t Really
The Truth About Men
Black Culture Decoded
Signs That You Might Not Be Compatible
Relationship Rules
Jobs Most Likely To Lead to Hanky Panky On The Job
Movies That Will End Your Half-Assed Relationship
Reasons Why He’s With a White Woman
139miss_sheri July 18, 2011 at 12:28 pm
Damn, forgot my question mark!
140MizzCam July 18, 2011 at 1:48 pm
Lawd, don’t get me started on texts! I hate them with a seething passion, especially when there is NO punctuation whatsoever and the spelling is atrocious. And if what you need to say comes through in 5 texts, just pick up the dayum phone and call!
“hey grrl how u ben i aint talked 2u in seem lik 4ever i wanted u 2 no i wuz thinkn bout u n cud we get 2gthr 1 day and catch up i fel lik we wuz made 4 each other n im a diffrent man now so if u just give me the chanse to show u i no u wont be sory”
141Corey July 18, 2011 at 7:02 pm
I despise that ish with a passion! I just read what you wrote and it came to me so slowly I thought I was in the remedial reading class in second grade.
142nillalatte July 18, 2011 at 8:06 pm
remedial reading class… lol
143GoldenSangria July 19, 2011 at 3:02 am
LOL @ miss_sheri, The same thing happened to me, my ex texted me a few weeks ago and asked me if I was avoiding him “agine” because I haven’t called him ever since I graduated from college…. what the heck is “agine”?… I know people misspell words all the time, but that boy has an Iphone and I know the first time he typed that in, it MUST’VE tried to replace it with “again”.
Let me not even get into how this one guy was trying to impress me by saying that he “works in the corporate world” and decided to play me his voicemail greeting to show me how “professional” he was. The greeting went like this: “Hi you’ve reached [insert nickname], I’m not available but I’ll reach you at your earliest convenient”… lets just say that was our last convo.
The Truth About Men
Black Culture Decoded
Signs That You Might Not Be Compatible
Relationship Rules
Jobs Most Likely To Lead to Hanky Panky On The Job
Movies That Will End Your Half-Assed Relationship
Reasons Why He’s With a White Woman
139miss_sheri July 18, 2011 at 12:28 pm
Damn, forgot my question mark!
140MizzCam July 18, 2011 at 1:48 pm
Lawd, don’t get me started on texts! I hate them with a seething passion, especially when there is NO punctuation whatsoever and the spelling is atrocious. And if what you need to say comes through in 5 texts, just pick up the dayum phone and call!
“hey grrl how u ben i aint talked 2u in seem lik 4ever i wanted u 2 no i wuz thinkn bout u n cud we get 2gthr 1 day and catch up i fel lik we wuz made 4 each other n im a diffrent man now so if u just give me the chanse to show u i no u wont be sory”
141Corey July 18, 2011 at 7:02 pm
I despise that ish with a passion! I just read what you wrote and it came to me so slowly I thought I was in the remedial reading class in second grade.
142nillalatte July 18, 2011 at 8:06 pm
remedial reading class… lol
143GoldenSangria July 19, 2011 at 3:02 am
LOL @ miss_sheri, The same thing happened to me, my ex texted me a few weeks ago and asked me if I was avoiding him “agine” because I haven’t called him ever since I graduated from college…. what the heck is “agine”?… I know people misspell words all the time, but that boy has an Iphone and I know the first time he typed that in, it MUST’VE tried to replace it with “again”.
Let me not even get into how this one guy was trying to impress me by saying that he “works in the corporate world” and decided to play me his voicemail greeting to show me how “professional” he was. The greeting went like this: “Hi you’ve reached [insert nickname], I’m not available but I’ll reach you at your earliest convenient”… lets just say that was our last convo.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Break-Up
The Break-Up
Why girls on dating websites don't know how to have a conversation
Why “we need to talk” should be happening in your relationship
Living With The One You Love
4 Ways To Be Really Rude While Instant Messaging
How Emo Updates Hurt Your Relationship
How Straightforwardness Got Him the Date
How to Keep Long-distance Relationships Alive
How to Find Love in 2025
Is Religion Important When Dating?
Keeping A Romantic Life As A Single Mom
7 Sure-Fire Ways To Get Over A Relationship
Double-shot of whiskey on the rocks, splash of water…. I’m going to need it writing this post… as I gaze out of the airplane’s window…
So, a few commenters have asked about GC… “what happened with you and GC?”
Well… we stayed together. We did the long distance thing.
And, it was fine at first.
The first semester away was hard, but we talked on the phone all of the time, she’d send me pictures of her breasts and cooter, I’d send her cock shots, I’d send her long texts and emails describing details about how I’m going to fuck her in various random scenarios, we’d have Skype sex, she’d use the vibrator I bought her and even send me pictures of when she would squirt all over her own hands, we had a Tumblr where we shared sex pictures we’d found on the internet that made us think of each other, we mailed each other “love letters”, I’d send her pictures of my new city, and overall we talked and made time for each other.
After 3 months, she saved up some money and got a new credit card and took out a little debt to come see me and we spent a weekend together – showing her the city and going at it like rabbits the whole weekend. A couple of weeks later, I surprised her by flying down for her birthday, taking her to a concert, and then throwing on a Fireman costume and hitting her with my hose. The concert just so happened to be the same artist whose concert we went to when we fucked for the first time. A couple of weeks after that I got lucky and got flown down for a business trip – free trip for me and I got to spend a couple of nights with her in a hotel room. Then, a couple of weeks after that was Christmas break and we spent it together in between each other’s respective cities – some time in her city, then we flew up to my city and spent some time together here.
We brought in the New Year’s together…. Drunk as fuck…. I don’t even know how I got home that night.
But after she flew back home in January, I started up a new semester…. And things got a lot harder for us as a couple.
First Issue
My phone broke early in January. Rather than deal with getting it fixed and shit, I decided to switch – from paying over $100 a month with Sprint to a pre-paid T-Mobile plan paying only $30 a month. Only thing is – this plan doesn’t have much minutes – it’s an unlimited data plan. No free nights and weekends, none of that. I thought I could get by in my relationship with Skype and Google Voice, but I underestimated how important those little calls at random times can be… and essentially all of our phone conversations got pushed to right before I went to bed. And,on nights when I was really tired I just skipped calling her all together.
Second Issue
I got busy as fuck. Overwhelmed with school, organizing large events, and the job search. I started to feel like I needed an offer on the table as soon as possible – because I’m sick of being broke, and I started to feel my bank account getting low, and my student loans piling up. Plus, I really feel the pressure to make straight A’s this time around, since I didn’t do so good in undergrad. So, I was working my ass off at school and I was never home. To further explain this, in this time – from New Year’s to Spring Break – I only went to the gym 3 times total, I never once got a hair cut, and I never once went to the grocery store. I never “felt” like I had time for those things. My relationship with GC got pushed to the side as well….
Third issue
I drank like a fish. If I wasn’t in school studying, I was at a bar with my buddies throwing down – on weekends and weekdays – didn’t matter. A mix of Jack Daniels and beer. Because of this, the whole two months of January and February are like a blur to me filled with too many nights I don’t remember.
These things culminated in two main problems on my part and in my behavior toward the relationship
I called and texted less – I would hardly ever call, going 3-4 days regularly without talking to her at all, sometimes even whole weeks. I even got bad at texting her – sometimes not responding to her for hours or even until the next day. And our texts somehow fell into a “hi”, “good morning babe” type of rut that it had never been in before.
I royally fucked up on Valentine’s – I didn’t get her anything. She wrote me a cute poem, got me a book about “Beers of The World” with cute little notes on pages of beers we had had together and on ones she wanted to have with me in the future. I didn’t get her anything – in a last minute attempt (read: noon on Valentines’ Day), I got her a Groupon coupon to a bakery that she received via email. She didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day and complained to all of her friends.
Her behavior changed too
No more naked pics, no more Tumblr updates, she got increasing less sexual towards me. No racy texts or anything. Then, the last couple of weeks before Spring Break, she just stopped calling and texting me…. when I finally realized our relationship was in trouble, she was no longer willing to put forth the effort.
This led to a vicious cycle
Of me being stubborn and not texting or calling her because I didn’t want to be the one who texted/called first and most likely, vice versa on her end.
But I still had plans to spend Spring Break with her
I had already bought my plane ticket – which was expensive as fuck. We had plans. Although the relationship reached a point where we weren’t even talking anymore and I felt like it was pointless - I tried to cancel my plans, but when I looked into it, I realized I’d wind up eating most of the costs and what I would get back would only be good for a voucher towards a domestic flight only. So, I figured it wasn’t worth it to cancel the trip. We actually broke up one night – for a few minutes – but then GC called me back and said “can we please wait it out until Spring Break and see how the week goes together.” Since I already had the tickets in made sense to me to agree to this. Plus, it was a chance to go home, see my family and friends, and fuck her for a full week – and I was still and always had been insanely attracted to her and the sex with her had always been great.
Spring Break was actually a lot of fun
We partied together, we hung out with my family together, we met and hung out with each other’s friends, and we had a lot of sex as well. I felt good about the relationship again.
The last night of Spring Break…. St. Patty’s Day.
Why “we need to talk” should be happening in your relationship
Living With The One You Love
4 Ways To Be Really Rude While Instant Messaging
How Emo Updates Hurt Your Relationship
How Straightforwardness Got Him the Date
How to Keep Long-distance Relationships Alive
How to Find Love in 2025
Is Religion Important When Dating?
Keeping A Romantic Life As A Single Mom
7 Sure-Fire Ways To Get Over A Relationship
Double-shot of whiskey on the rocks, splash of water…. I’m going to need it writing this post… as I gaze out of the airplane’s window…
So, a few commenters have asked about GC… “what happened with you and GC?”
Well… we stayed together. We did the long distance thing.
And, it was fine at first.
The first semester away was hard, but we talked on the phone all of the time, she’d send me pictures of her breasts and cooter, I’d send her cock shots, I’d send her long texts and emails describing details about how I’m going to fuck her in various random scenarios, we’d have Skype sex, she’d use the vibrator I bought her and even send me pictures of when she would squirt all over her own hands, we had a Tumblr where we shared sex pictures we’d found on the internet that made us think of each other, we mailed each other “love letters”, I’d send her pictures of my new city, and overall we talked and made time for each other.
After 3 months, she saved up some money and got a new credit card and took out a little debt to come see me and we spent a weekend together – showing her the city and going at it like rabbits the whole weekend. A couple of weeks later, I surprised her by flying down for her birthday, taking her to a concert, and then throwing on a Fireman costume and hitting her with my hose. The concert just so happened to be the same artist whose concert we went to when we fucked for the first time. A couple of weeks after that I got lucky and got flown down for a business trip – free trip for me and I got to spend a couple of nights with her in a hotel room. Then, a couple of weeks after that was Christmas break and we spent it together in between each other’s respective cities – some time in her city, then we flew up to my city and spent some time together here.
We brought in the New Year’s together…. Drunk as fuck…. I don’t even know how I got home that night.
But after she flew back home in January, I started up a new semester…. And things got a lot harder for us as a couple.
First Issue
My phone broke early in January. Rather than deal with getting it fixed and shit, I decided to switch – from paying over $100 a month with Sprint to a pre-paid T-Mobile plan paying only $30 a month. Only thing is – this plan doesn’t have much minutes – it’s an unlimited data plan. No free nights and weekends, none of that. I thought I could get by in my relationship with Skype and Google Voice, but I underestimated how important those little calls at random times can be… and essentially all of our phone conversations got pushed to right before I went to bed. And,on nights when I was really tired I just skipped calling her all together.
Second Issue
I got busy as fuck. Overwhelmed with school, organizing large events, and the job search. I started to feel like I needed an offer on the table as soon as possible – because I’m sick of being broke, and I started to feel my bank account getting low, and my student loans piling up. Plus, I really feel the pressure to make straight A’s this time around, since I didn’t do so good in undergrad. So, I was working my ass off at school and I was never home. To further explain this, in this time – from New Year’s to Spring Break – I only went to the gym 3 times total, I never once got a hair cut, and I never once went to the grocery store. I never “felt” like I had time for those things. My relationship with GC got pushed to the side as well….
Third issue
I drank like a fish. If I wasn’t in school studying, I was at a bar with my buddies throwing down – on weekends and weekdays – didn’t matter. A mix of Jack Daniels and beer. Because of this, the whole two months of January and February are like a blur to me filled with too many nights I don’t remember.
These things culminated in two main problems on my part and in my behavior toward the relationship
I called and texted less – I would hardly ever call, going 3-4 days regularly without talking to her at all, sometimes even whole weeks. I even got bad at texting her – sometimes not responding to her for hours or even until the next day. And our texts somehow fell into a “hi”, “good morning babe” type of rut that it had never been in before.
I royally fucked up on Valentine’s – I didn’t get her anything. She wrote me a cute poem, got me a book about “Beers of The World” with cute little notes on pages of beers we had had together and on ones she wanted to have with me in the future. I didn’t get her anything – in a last minute attempt (read: noon on Valentines’ Day), I got her a Groupon coupon to a bakery that she received via email. She didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day and complained to all of her friends.
Her behavior changed too
No more naked pics, no more Tumblr updates, she got increasing less sexual towards me. No racy texts or anything. Then, the last couple of weeks before Spring Break, she just stopped calling and texting me…. when I finally realized our relationship was in trouble, she was no longer willing to put forth the effort.
This led to a vicious cycle
Of me being stubborn and not texting or calling her because I didn’t want to be the one who texted/called first and most likely, vice versa on her end.
But I still had plans to spend Spring Break with her
I had already bought my plane ticket – which was expensive as fuck. We had plans. Although the relationship reached a point where we weren’t even talking anymore and I felt like it was pointless - I tried to cancel my plans, but when I looked into it, I realized I’d wind up eating most of the costs and what I would get back would only be good for a voucher towards a domestic flight only. So, I figured it wasn’t worth it to cancel the trip. We actually broke up one night – for a few minutes – but then GC called me back and said “can we please wait it out until Spring Break and see how the week goes together.” Since I already had the tickets in made sense to me to agree to this. Plus, it was a chance to go home, see my family and friends, and fuck her for a full week – and I was still and always had been insanely attracted to her and the sex with her had always been great.
Spring Break was actually a lot of fun
We partied together, we hung out with my family together, we met and hung out with each other’s friends, and we had a lot of sex as well. I felt good about the relationship again.
The last night of Spring Break…. St. Patty’s Day.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Dos and Don’ts of Crafting the Perfect Dating Profile
The Dos and Don’ts of Crafting the Perfect Dating Profile
Black Marriage Negotiations: Here’s What They Think About You
When Beauty Leads To Bad Choices In Dating
The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On
Hard To Master Skills Every Single Man Must Posses
Why Vague Dating Requirements Are Keeping You Single
5 Things Women Do That Men Just Don’t Do
What Men Actually Care About in Dating
6 Little Known Things Single Men Really Care About
How Your “Look” Affects Your Luck In Dating
743Panama Jackson April 28, 2011 at 10:08 am
heathen. the power of elohim compels you.
744Mo-VSS April 28, 2011 at 1:17 am
More habits
Haribo Gummi Bears….if you offer me gummis and they are of the gas station variety, I just might punch you in the stomach. I HATE non-Haribo gummis #1gummisnob
Changing my hairstyle….I can’t keep any one for longer than a month. I don’t do weave, so braids, knots, straight, fro…all that. But nothing for too long.
Screening my own calls…I can’t just pick up my phone at random when it rings. I have to screen it in order to know who’s calling. If someone gives me my phone and they accidentally press talk (it’s touch screen) and I haven’t had a chance to screen the call, I’ll straight hang up on the person and call them back.
Looking at people’s feet in sandals…I’m slightly obsessed with people’s feet and I quietly judge people who don’t groom their feet accordingly. With all the products out there to combat dry skin, callouses, raggedy toenails and such, there is ZERO reason why folks’ feet should look anything less than decent.
745Tes April 28, 2011 at 1:24 am
I raise your Haribo gummy bears with my Haribo gummy Colas. In Germany they also had these french fry ones covered in sugar and artifical sweetners…it was awesome o_o…so you know I’m withchu Mo!
746WayUPThere April 28, 2011 at 1:44 am
I raise the gummi bears and cola bottles with Haribo Twin Cherries, LifeSaver Gummies:Island Fruit, and Twizzlers: Filled Twists.
Guess I just found my other bad habit….
747Tes April 28, 2011 at 1:51 am
When Beauty Leads To Bad Choices In Dating
The One Topic Men And Women Never Agree On
Hard To Master Skills Every Single Man Must Posses
Why Vague Dating Requirements Are Keeping You Single
5 Things Women Do That Men Just Don’t Do
What Men Actually Care About in Dating
6 Little Known Things Single Men Really Care About
How Your “Look” Affects Your Luck In Dating
743Panama Jackson April 28, 2011 at 10:08 am
heathen. the power of elohim compels you.
744Mo-VSS April 28, 2011 at 1:17 am
More habits
Haribo Gummi Bears….if you offer me gummis and they are of the gas station variety, I just might punch you in the stomach. I HATE non-Haribo gummis #1gummisnob
Changing my hairstyle….I can’t keep any one for longer than a month. I don’t do weave, so braids, knots, straight, fro…all that. But nothing for too long.
Screening my own calls…I can’t just pick up my phone at random when it rings. I have to screen it in order to know who’s calling. If someone gives me my phone and they accidentally press talk (it’s touch screen) and I haven’t had a chance to screen the call, I’ll straight hang up on the person and call them back.
Looking at people’s feet in sandals…I’m slightly obsessed with people’s feet and I quietly judge people who don’t groom their feet accordingly. With all the products out there to combat dry skin, callouses, raggedy toenails and such, there is ZERO reason why folks’ feet should look anything less than decent.
745Tes April 28, 2011 at 1:24 am
I raise your Haribo gummy bears with my Haribo gummy Colas. In Germany they also had these french fry ones covered in sugar and artifical sweetners…it was awesome o_o…so you know I’m withchu Mo!
746WayUPThere April 28, 2011 at 1:44 am
I raise the gummi bears and cola bottles with Haribo Twin Cherries, LifeSaver Gummies:Island Fruit, and Twizzlers: Filled Twists.
Guess I just found my other bad habit….
747Tes April 28, 2011 at 1:51 am
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Dos and Don’ts of Ending a Relationship Gracefully
The Dos and Don’ts of Ending a Relationship Gracefully
Moments in Dating We'd Wipe Away if We Had the Chance
Lies Damn Lies and Wonderbras.
Pole Position
The Goggles
Kinky Dating
The Art Of The Breakup: 10 No-Nos For The Dumper
The Dumpee Survival Guide
Chick Logic (Or the Lack Thereof)
Why Women Shouldn't Make the First Move in Dating
The reason that an unarmed robber will turn to using arms when the shopkeepers arm themselves is simple: he can’t do anything else to support himself but rob convenience stores. If he could, then he would be doing that.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 3
Rocky August 20, 2014 at 13:05
Here in Mexico, people, even well educated people, believe all blacks in the US are druggies and thugs. They are visibly shaken when I tell them that as many as 50% of blacks in the US are educated people who live middle or blue collar class lives.
Actually, 75% . Fifty percent are middle class while 25% are blue collar/working class. 25% are poor. Similarly, around 25% of Hispanic Americans are poor.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5
JKL August 21, 2014 at 10:49
@anon age 72 Your joking right? You really think blacks are going around saying “they won’t shot you because your black”, you need to get out into the real world more.
@Paul M, he wasn’t stopped for the alleged robbery one block from his house, but that dosn’t matter, he must have guilty and so deserving of being murdered since at the least, he was “walking while black” and that’s suspicious, amirite.
Again here, is highlighted a grand cultural opening into the inner sanctum of the universe of teaching children by men being their own fathers. An inner sanctum from which gate keeping women have kept men off for so long to the detriment of all.
Let that fool of a woman go enjoy her big career at the office as a cog in the wheel of misfortune, if only that we men as fathers may gain traction and space with the even bigger career of tutoring our own children.
Of course everyone knows full well that a womans smaller brain subjects her to false perceptions as is why it is she alone whom is perpetually bribed with emancipation from the home.
On the part of men as men and men as fathers it is quite keenly understood that they do a better job both in the home nurturing children and out of the home structuring civilization, hence there are no formal offers for his emancipation.
Lies Damn Lies and Wonderbras.
Pole Position
The Goggles
Kinky Dating
The Art Of The Breakup: 10 No-Nos For The Dumper
The Dumpee Survival Guide
Chick Logic (Or the Lack Thereof)
Why Women Shouldn't Make the First Move in Dating
The reason that an unarmed robber will turn to using arms when the shopkeepers arm themselves is simple: he can’t do anything else to support himself but rob convenience stores. If he could, then he would be doing that.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 3
Rocky August 20, 2014 at 13:05
Here in Mexico, people, even well educated people, believe all blacks in the US are druggies and thugs. They are visibly shaken when I tell them that as many as 50% of blacks in the US are educated people who live middle or blue collar class lives.
Actually, 75% . Fifty percent are middle class while 25% are blue collar/working class. 25% are poor. Similarly, around 25% of Hispanic Americans are poor.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5
JKL August 21, 2014 at 10:49
@anon age 72 Your joking right? You really think blacks are going around saying “they won’t shot you because your black”, you need to get out into the real world more.
@Paul M, he wasn’t stopped for the alleged robbery one block from his house, but that dosn’t matter, he must have guilty and so deserving of being murdered since at the least, he was “walking while black” and that’s suspicious, amirite.
Again here, is highlighted a grand cultural opening into the inner sanctum of the universe of teaching children by men being their own fathers. An inner sanctum from which gate keeping women have kept men off for so long to the detriment of all.
Let that fool of a woman go enjoy her big career at the office as a cog in the wheel of misfortune, if only that we men as fathers may gain traction and space with the even bigger career of tutoring our own children.
Of course everyone knows full well that a womans smaller brain subjects her to false perceptions as is why it is she alone whom is perpetually bribed with emancipation from the home.
On the part of men as men and men as fathers it is quite keenly understood that they do a better job both in the home nurturing children and out of the home structuring civilization, hence there are no formal offers for his emancipation.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Friend Zone Dilemma: When Friendship Meets Romance
The Friend Zone Dilemma: When Friendship Meets Romance
Three Great Things To Do If Dateless On Valentines Day
10 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming A Daddy
How To Snag A Last Minute Valentine’s Date
5 Fun Ways to Argue Without Breaking Up
6 Signs You’ve Fallen Into The “Friend Zone”
6 Signs That A Woman Has Been Friend-Zoned
A Guide To Avoiding Relationship Fumbles
A Guide to Making New Friends
g out the right guy!
MidoriLei Says:
August 6th, 2012 at 11:55 am
that is soooo true! When it’s the right girl, you’re willing to be that kind of man Noah was. Anyone else, it just seems like a lot of work.
Ben Says:
September 10th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
have you ever gone to the club or hit the bar and see women throw themselves at some playboy who’s there just for pussies? sometimes more than one at the same night? if you’ve seen that then you will understand as a men that the reality is different than what you wrote here. However, deep down i still do want to belief in this fairy tale, it’s just that the reality is knock me out of this fantasy more than once.
MidoriLei Says:
September 16th, 2012 at 5:31 pm
Ben, that’s why I wrote this post:
bilew Says:
October 5th, 2012 at 6:49 am
Scratch Says:
October 6th, 2012 at 9:20 am
On the subject of role models for men in the UK, I’d like to speak up for Russell Brand. He may be completely disreputable, a “good-looking outsider who plays by his own rules”, but more than most men, he genuinely loves women, and from what I know, is a perfect gentleman to every single female he meets.
The Best Movies to Hook Up To | Says:
November 15th, 2012 at 8:00 am
[...] patient while watching some of these movies…The NotebookWe’ve honestly never seen it, but we all know it’s just about every girl’s dream scenario. Girl and guy meet, he tries to woo her by writing her letters, she ignores him until they finally [...]
10 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming A Daddy
How To Snag A Last Minute Valentine’s Date
5 Fun Ways to Argue Without Breaking Up
6 Signs You’ve Fallen Into The “Friend Zone”
6 Signs That A Woman Has Been Friend-Zoned
A Guide To Avoiding Relationship Fumbles
A Guide to Making New Friends
g out the right guy!
MidoriLei Says:
August 6th, 2012 at 11:55 am
that is soooo true! When it’s the right girl, you’re willing to be that kind of man Noah was. Anyone else, it just seems like a lot of work.
Ben Says:
September 10th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
have you ever gone to the club or hit the bar and see women throw themselves at some playboy who’s there just for pussies? sometimes more than one at the same night? if you’ve seen that then you will understand as a men that the reality is different than what you wrote here. However, deep down i still do want to belief in this fairy tale, it’s just that the reality is knock me out of this fantasy more than once.
MidoriLei Says:
September 16th, 2012 at 5:31 pm
Ben, that’s why I wrote this post:
bilew Says:
October 5th, 2012 at 6:49 am
Scratch Says:
October 6th, 2012 at 9:20 am
On the subject of role models for men in the UK, I’d like to speak up for Russell Brand. He may be completely disreputable, a “good-looking outsider who plays by his own rules”, but more than most men, he genuinely loves women, and from what I know, is a perfect gentleman to every single female he meets.
The Best Movies to Hook Up To | Says:
November 15th, 2012 at 8:00 am
[...] patient while watching some of these movies…The NotebookWe’ve honestly never seen it, but we all know it’s just about every girl’s dream scenario. Girl and guy meet, he tries to woo her by writing her letters, she ignores him until they finally [...]
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Greatest Gift: You
The Greatest Gift: You
The Surprisingly Solid Dating Advice From Kanye West
How To Please Your Mate
Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic of Love
Ridiculous Dating Advice That’s Totally True
Things Men Do That Women Probably Hate
Things I Think I’d Hate About Women If I Were a Man
What Single People Get Wrong About Marriage
Chicken Livers and Relationship Drama
Why Splitting Costs Isn't Splitting Love
The Instant Turn-Offs That Will Get You Cut Off
We all look upon the holidays as a time for celebration, gratitude, and giving, but some of us have suffered some financial setbacks during the year that have impacted our ability to provide our family and friends with those material tokens of love that are traditional at this time of year. And as we make out our lists, thinking and even agonizing over how those special gifts can be purchased with limited resources, we seldom stop to think about the greatest gift that we could ever give to anyone–ourselves.
We all possess a unique gift to share with the world. Many of us are still in search of what that is, or haven’t yet begun the journey to discover what it may be, but each of us has the ability to bring that gift to light. And what is that gift? It is that thing that makes us uniquely who we are; that special talent that only we possess–our individual and distinct perspective, that thing that makes us who we are, our reason for being here.
Our special gift does not have to be grand, spectacular, or showy. It could be “small” in appearance, but whatever it is; it is ultimately a powerful expression of our purpose in this world. So let’s set aside some time this holiday season to discover what that gift might be, and also make it our intention to give it to others every chance we get.
Whether we have been blessed with material abundance or are currently going through some financial hardships, we are by far the greatest gift that we could give to our family and friends. That is bigger than anything that money could buy; and because of that, we are all rich beyond measure.
How To Please Your Mate
Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic of Love
Ridiculous Dating Advice That’s Totally True
Things Men Do That Women Probably Hate
Things I Think I’d Hate About Women If I Were a Man
What Single People Get Wrong About Marriage
Chicken Livers and Relationship Drama
Why Splitting Costs Isn't Splitting Love
The Instant Turn-Offs That Will Get You Cut Off
We all look upon the holidays as a time for celebration, gratitude, and giving, but some of us have suffered some financial setbacks during the year that have impacted our ability to provide our family and friends with those material tokens of love that are traditional at this time of year. And as we make out our lists, thinking and even agonizing over how those special gifts can be purchased with limited resources, we seldom stop to think about the greatest gift that we could ever give to anyone–ourselves.
We all possess a unique gift to share with the world. Many of us are still in search of what that is, or haven’t yet begun the journey to discover what it may be, but each of us has the ability to bring that gift to light. And what is that gift? It is that thing that makes us uniquely who we are; that special talent that only we possess–our individual and distinct perspective, that thing that makes us who we are, our reason for being here.
Our special gift does not have to be grand, spectacular, or showy. It could be “small” in appearance, but whatever it is; it is ultimately a powerful expression of our purpose in this world. So let’s set aside some time this holiday season to discover what that gift might be, and also make it our intention to give it to others every chance we get.
Whether we have been blessed with material abundance or are currently going through some financial hardships, we are by far the greatest gift that we could give to our family and friends. That is bigger than anything that money could buy; and because of that, we are all rich beyond measure.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Psychology of Swiping: Why Dating Apps Are Both Addictive and Frustrating
The Psychology of Swiping: Why Dating Apps Are Both Addictive and Frustrating
5 Signs That You Just Might Have To Marry Her Ass
Things You Should Never Say To a Black Woman.
Male Solutions To Common Women Problems
Things I Just Don’t Get About Women
Valentine’s Day Date Options That Won’t Cost You A Fortune
Things That You Just Shouldn’t Do While Dating
Valentine’s Day Alternatives for Those Without Plans Or People To Plan Stuff With
Why Your “Number” Matters So Much Yo Us
They Are Cheating On You With A Friend Of Yours
i got bored and busy at work. plus as TRL said..these aren’t random dudes. 2 are exes and 2 are really longstanding friends of mine.
but they are still mens! so it still counts to me!
so there! lol.
224TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 4:49 pm
Blows whistle….throws Penalty flag
Doesn’t count….lol. Not random dudes. But we’ll let you replay the down since you at least got out there and tried.
225keisha brown July 18, 2011 at 8:41 pm
Thanks TRL.
this is totally a great run back called for a stupid illegal block in the back. ugh.
226TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 2:47 pm
Yeah, that’s what Cali said above.
227Cali July 18, 2011 at 5:38 pm
will take the challenge, but I gotta start slow – 1 a week & move up from there, LOL!
228Margarita July 18, 2011 at 2:27 am
(coming out of the woodwork for this one)
I’m fairly average looking, but I get a lot of compliments on a regular basis – from homeless guys, bus drivers, teenage boys, and guys at the clubs. :) But seriously, I think mostly I get these because I smile a lot so I come off as approachable. Either way, it’s always a surprise, and I can’t help but blush, but “thank you, I really appreciate it” seems to work as a response, as long as I’m in a position to keep walking.
Things You Should Never Say To a Black Woman.
Male Solutions To Common Women Problems
Things I Just Don’t Get About Women
Valentine’s Day Date Options That Won’t Cost You A Fortune
Things That You Just Shouldn’t Do While Dating
Valentine’s Day Alternatives for Those Without Plans Or People To Plan Stuff With
Why Your “Number” Matters So Much Yo Us
They Are Cheating On You With A Friend Of Yours
i got bored and busy at work. plus as TRL said..these aren’t random dudes. 2 are exes and 2 are really longstanding friends of mine.
but they are still mens! so it still counts to me!
so there! lol.
224TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 4:49 pm
Blows whistle….throws Penalty flag
Doesn’t count….lol. Not random dudes. But we’ll let you replay the down since you at least got out there and tried.
225keisha brown July 18, 2011 at 8:41 pm
Thanks TRL.
this is totally a great run back called for a stupid illegal block in the back. ugh.
226TheRealestLeo July 18, 2011 at 2:47 pm
Yeah, that’s what Cali said above.
227Cali July 18, 2011 at 5:38 pm
will take the challenge, but I gotta start slow – 1 a week & move up from there, LOL!
228Margarita July 18, 2011 at 2:27 am
(coming out of the woodwork for this one)
I’m fairly average looking, but I get a lot of compliments on a regular basis – from homeless guys, bus drivers, teenage boys, and guys at the clubs. :) But seriously, I think mostly I get these because I smile a lot so I come off as approachable. Either way, it’s always a surprise, and I can’t help but blush, but “thank you, I really appreciate it” seems to work as a response, as long as I’m in a position to keep walking.
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The Real Reason We Ghost
The Real Reason We Ghost
Things You Should Never Tell Your Dating Partner
Why Romantic Comedies Might Ruin Your Love Life
The Pitfalls of Long-Distance Dating
A Humorous Take on Culture, Fun, and Dating Standards
Whats In A Name?
The Loveawake Guide to One-Night Stand Etiquette
Advice to My Younger Self
3 Signs That You Might Be A Bitter Man
Let’s Be Friends.
Men Temptation and Commitment
Night Out Etiquette: Nightlife Etiquette Loveawake Style
Monogamy for Dummies
Oh No (S)He Didn’t!
The Dangers of Rating Your Girlfriend
I think it is pretty obvious that everyone on the planet is about to get poorer because of natural resources depletion and over population of the planet. Now real skills are needed such are repairing stuff because money will buy less and less. The next alpha guy might be the guy that can repair and makes things, not the guy with full of money. It is about how good you can survive by repairing things yourself and adapting to a lower level a material comfort.
Women are not good at creating things and surviving on their own. Some women have decided to associate themselves with man instead of fighting them. Women are going back to the natural biological instinct of submitting to man.
I think that eventually women themselves will demand and put a patriarchal power structure in place just because man are the ones that fixes and creates things, not women. This new phenomenon might be the beginning of a new patriarchal power structure being put in place by women.
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W.F. Price July 22, 2014 at 16:34
Couldn’t this also reflect changing demographics? These women are quite young, so they’re unlikely to be the offspring of the more virulent feminists and lesbians usually don’t reproduce at replacement level.
Also, you left off “sex, romantic love, and fatherhood” from your list of what men provide to the women they live with, but it would probably be the first thing most women would think of.
It’s entirely possible that this is the first political manifestation of the liberal birth dearth, which began in the early 80s. By the 90s, when these girls were born, it was a pretty substantial gap.
I think it goes without saying that women want love and affection. But it’s important to point out that there’s actually an adaptive aspect to that kind of love. Feminists are descendants of Marxist materialists, so you have to explain how women benefit materially from relationships with men to deflate their arguments. It’s easy to do, because the evidence is very strong.
The Brass Cat July 22, 2014 at 16:45
I think it is pretty obvious that everyone on the planet is about to get poorer because of natural resources depletion and over population of the planet.
Why Romantic Comedies Might Ruin Your Love Life
The Pitfalls of Long-Distance Dating
A Humorous Take on Culture, Fun, and Dating Standards
Whats In A Name?
The Loveawake Guide to One-Night Stand Etiquette
Advice to My Younger Self
3 Signs That You Might Be A Bitter Man
Let’s Be Friends.
Men Temptation and Commitment
Night Out Etiquette: Nightlife Etiquette Loveawake Style
Monogamy for Dummies
Oh No (S)He Didn’t!
The Dangers of Rating Your Girlfriend
I think it is pretty obvious that everyone on the planet is about to get poorer because of natural resources depletion and over population of the planet. Now real skills are needed such are repairing stuff because money will buy less and less. The next alpha guy might be the guy that can repair and makes things, not the guy with full of money. It is about how good you can survive by repairing things yourself and adapting to a lower level a material comfort.
Women are not good at creating things and surviving on their own. Some women have decided to associate themselves with man instead of fighting them. Women are going back to the natural biological instinct of submitting to man.
I think that eventually women themselves will demand and put a patriarchal power structure in place just because man are the ones that fixes and creates things, not women. This new phenomenon might be the beginning of a new patriarchal power structure being put in place by women.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
W.F. Price July 22, 2014 at 16:34
Couldn’t this also reflect changing demographics? These women are quite young, so they’re unlikely to be the offspring of the more virulent feminists and lesbians usually don’t reproduce at replacement level.
Also, you left off “sex, romantic love, and fatherhood” from your list of what men provide to the women they live with, but it would probably be the first thing most women would think of.
It’s entirely possible that this is the first political manifestation of the liberal birth dearth, which began in the early 80s. By the 90s, when these girls were born, it was a pretty substantial gap.
I think it goes without saying that women want love and affection. But it’s important to point out that there’s actually an adaptive aspect to that kind of love. Feminists are descendants of Marxist materialists, so you have to explain how women benefit materially from relationships with men to deflate their arguments. It’s easy to do, because the evidence is very strong.
The Brass Cat July 22, 2014 at 16:45
I think it is pretty obvious that everyone on the planet is about to get poorer because of natural resources depletion and over population of the planet.
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The Rise Of Skepticism
The Rise Of Skepticism
How Pocket-Dialing Can C*ckblock You
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
For those who are past the initial stages of online dating and now find themselves in a committed relationship, you’ll know that cheating is one of those words that under no circumstances should ever be brought up. Even if you’re not the one committing the infidelity, bringing up stories of your cheating friend – or even one Mr. Tiger Woods – could be enough to turn your significant-other into a neurotic mess. Don’t believe me? Read on for a few points as to why that is.
They’ll Think Your Sexual Drive Is Not Normal – Considering that after any given sex scandal, most celebrities will head straight into ‘sex rehab’, women now think that a man’s natural libido is, in fact, unnatural. Though we all know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Men like sex and that’s all there is to it.
Texting Is Now A Cause For Concern – Before the age of sexting and celebrity sex scandals, texts were simply yet another form of communication. Nowadays, receiving a text while next to your significant-other will make her raise an eyebrow and attempt to peek at your screen to see who it’s from. If you happen to own two mobile phones, good luck explaining it.
Forget About Outings With The Boys – Despite dying to head to Vegas with the boys for some good old fashioned gambling, you can pretty much forget about it. After so many sex-related incidents happening in Sin City, your ball and chain will do everything in her power to stop you.
Trashy Women Are The Enemy – Despite going on and on about how you prefer intelligent, classy women, Tiger Woods has managed to get every committed woman into a war zone with every trashy woman in the world. After realizing that a man can easily drop his state-of-the-art Swedish wife for a second-grade sleaze bag, your wife will be watching her back (and yours).
She Will Never Let You Live It Down – For those who are still considering the possibility of cheating, know that women are now smarter than ever. Not only do they know all the tricks of the trade, but they know that if you actually go ahead with the act, they will take you for all you’re worth. Elin may have remained quiet about the whole cheating scandal, but at the end of the day, she whisked her children off to Sweden along with a few million dollars.
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
For those who are past the initial stages of online dating and now find themselves in a committed relationship, you’ll know that cheating is one of those words that under no circumstances should ever be brought up. Even if you’re not the one committing the infidelity, bringing up stories of your cheating friend – or even one Mr. Tiger Woods – could be enough to turn your significant-other into a neurotic mess. Don’t believe me? Read on for a few points as to why that is.
They’ll Think Your Sexual Drive Is Not Normal – Considering that after any given sex scandal, most celebrities will head straight into ‘sex rehab’, women now think that a man’s natural libido is, in fact, unnatural. Though we all know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Men like sex and that’s all there is to it.
Texting Is Now A Cause For Concern – Before the age of sexting and celebrity sex scandals, texts were simply yet another form of communication. Nowadays, receiving a text while next to your significant-other will make her raise an eyebrow and attempt to peek at your screen to see who it’s from. If you happen to own two mobile phones, good luck explaining it.
Forget About Outings With The Boys – Despite dying to head to Vegas with the boys for some good old fashioned gambling, you can pretty much forget about it. After so many sex-related incidents happening in Sin City, your ball and chain will do everything in her power to stop you.
Trashy Women Are The Enemy – Despite going on and on about how you prefer intelligent, classy women, Tiger Woods has managed to get every committed woman into a war zone with every trashy woman in the world. After realizing that a man can easily drop his state-of-the-art Swedish wife for a second-grade sleaze bag, your wife will be watching her back (and yours).
She Will Never Let You Live It Down – For those who are still considering the possibility of cheating, know that women are now smarter than ever. Not only do they know all the tricks of the trade, but they know that if you actually go ahead with the act, they will take you for all you’re worth. Elin may have remained quiet about the whole cheating scandal, but at the end of the day, she whisked her children off to Sweden along with a few million dollars.
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Webinaire restitution Danser l'orage
Webinaire restitution Danser l'orage
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What To Expect If You Date A Southern Girl
What To Expect If You Date A Southern Girl
What It’s Like to Be a Guy
Do You Want Me To Come Over or Nah?
The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters
Six Fundamental Rules Of Dating
She's Out Of My League?
6 Simple Ways To Attract Guys
4 Things You Should Know About Arguing With Your Man
A Guide to Recognizing Red Flags in Online Dating
My Worst One Nite Stand Competition
Is Friend With Benefits Really Possible?
How White People Date
Letter From An Ex-Girlfriend
Seducing Someone More Attractive Than You
Good Things: Well mannered; love football; the quintessential “take home to mom” girl; most likely to shower you with homemade baked goods; most have double first names like yours truly, “Sarah Jane” or “Ashley Grace”; instead of calling you an idiot for leaving the toilet seat up, she’ll say “Bless your Heart”; never poorly dressed; Always has multiple coozies on hand for a condensation Beer.
Bad Things: Sore losers in corn hole; SEC football comes before sex; Charleston and Savannah are likely the only weekend destinations they prefer; If it’s green, she’ll bread it and fry it; no matter how many pieces of David Yurman you buy, she’s always going to want more; anything in your house that can be embroidered, consider it monogrammed; You may or may not be blinded by alarmingly bright Lilly Pulitzer dresses.
Date Them if You: Need a ticket to the Kentucky Derby; want to see the difference between a “Hissie Fit” and a “Conniption Fit”; think tailgating is a social event and not to be taken lightly; agree that wearing anything but Easter egg colored Polos is a fashion faux pas; don’t mind your relationship problems being told to her entire sorority; genuinely believe the South with rise again.
Do You Want Me To Come Over or Nah?
The Top 10 Natural PUA Film Characters
Six Fundamental Rules Of Dating
She's Out Of My League?
6 Simple Ways To Attract Guys
4 Things You Should Know About Arguing With Your Man
A Guide to Recognizing Red Flags in Online Dating
My Worst One Nite Stand Competition
Is Friend With Benefits Really Possible?
How White People Date
Letter From An Ex-Girlfriend
Seducing Someone More Attractive Than You
Good Things: Well mannered; love football; the quintessential “take home to mom” girl; most likely to shower you with homemade baked goods; most have double first names like yours truly, “Sarah Jane” or “Ashley Grace”; instead of calling you an idiot for leaving the toilet seat up, she’ll say “Bless your Heart”; never poorly dressed; Always has multiple coozies on hand for a condensation Beer.
Bad Things: Sore losers in corn hole; SEC football comes before sex; Charleston and Savannah are likely the only weekend destinations they prefer; If it’s green, she’ll bread it and fry it; no matter how many pieces of David Yurman you buy, she’s always going to want more; anything in your house that can be embroidered, consider it monogrammed; You may or may not be blinded by alarmingly bright Lilly Pulitzer dresses.
Date Them if You: Need a ticket to the Kentucky Derby; want to see the difference between a “Hissie Fit” and a “Conniption Fit”; think tailgating is a social event and not to be taken lightly; agree that wearing anything but Easter egg colored Polos is a fashion faux pas; don’t mind your relationship problems being told to her entire sorority; genuinely believe the South with rise again.
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When the Budget’s Tight but Love Is Right: Online Relationships Without Money
When the Budget’s Tight but Love Is Right: Online Relationships Without Money
Signs Men Look For Before Approaching
It’s Okay Not To Fight For Your Girl
I Have No White Friends
When Romance Gets Real
How Fashion Trends Test Masculinity and Memory
Getting Ready for ‘I Do’
Why Is It Hard For Men To Write About Sex?
Why Love Means Tolerating Each Other's Quirks
When Love Escapes Us.
The Internets is the grim reaper. The slander. The shade. The lack of f*cks. It’s Disneyland for n*gga technology. And the Internets have not disappointed. A few leaked stills and then we were off.
Then the worst one of all, folks really have no chill, b. A shoutout to their kid:
I don’t know why these folks set themselves up. Mostly because I don’t know what is to be gained when you’ve already maxed out your status. And we are a brutal bunch. And by we, I mean anybody with the chance at making fun of somebody else with little to no repercussions. Basically, people online. Mimi isn’t going to make it to cultural icon. But she will get meme’d the f*ck out. She already has been.
See here:
Ya know, I wonder if celebrities feelings get hurt by this stuff. They can always fall back on “but I’m rich” but they all aren’t. And they have feelings too. I get my feelings hurt sometimes. And it hurts when people boo.
In terms of Mimi, she won’t even make it to community icon. Now, granted, there will be those folks who say that she’s a grown woman, which is true. She has the right do what she wants to. She can make all the tapes and sell them to all the world. But she’s not a pr0n star and from what I can tell that’s not her goal in life. Also, why go this route now? There really is nothing to win. Which means she probably just really wanted to f*ck for the camera’s, b.
Sure I’m talking about it right now and so is Twitter, but fame like this is short-lived. A footnote on the colon of Black History. It doesn’t matter beyond its immediacy the day we all see it (and it’s leaked which means this won’t matter by Thursday). Grown women can do what they want, but she always portrayed herself as being above the rest of these women who engage in the sex for money industry. Well the formal one. And yet here we are.
So I come to you, humbly, curious about what does one who has reached their zenith stand to gain. Why put yourself before the Internet firing squad for what really amounts to attention that doesn’t translate into even bitcoins? At least the Internet got fun out of it. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t better for it. But nobody wins.
It’s Okay Not To Fight For Your Girl
I Have No White Friends
When Romance Gets Real
How Fashion Trends Test Masculinity and Memory
Getting Ready for ‘I Do’
Why Is It Hard For Men To Write About Sex?
Why Love Means Tolerating Each Other's Quirks
When Love Escapes Us.
The Internets is the grim reaper. The slander. The shade. The lack of f*cks. It’s Disneyland for n*gga technology. And the Internets have not disappointed. A few leaked stills and then we were off.
Then the worst one of all, folks really have no chill, b. A shoutout to their kid:
I don’t know why these folks set themselves up. Mostly because I don’t know what is to be gained when you’ve already maxed out your status. And we are a brutal bunch. And by we, I mean anybody with the chance at making fun of somebody else with little to no repercussions. Basically, people online. Mimi isn’t going to make it to cultural icon. But she will get meme’d the f*ck out. She already has been.
See here:
Ya know, I wonder if celebrities feelings get hurt by this stuff. They can always fall back on “but I’m rich” but they all aren’t. And they have feelings too. I get my feelings hurt sometimes. And it hurts when people boo.
In terms of Mimi, she won’t even make it to community icon. Now, granted, there will be those folks who say that she’s a grown woman, which is true. She has the right do what she wants to. She can make all the tapes and sell them to all the world. But she’s not a pr0n star and from what I can tell that’s not her goal in life. Also, why go this route now? There really is nothing to win. Which means she probably just really wanted to f*ck for the camera’s, b.
Sure I’m talking about it right now and so is Twitter, but fame like this is short-lived. A footnote on the colon of Black History. It doesn’t matter beyond its immediacy the day we all see it (and it’s leaked which means this won’t matter by Thursday). Grown women can do what they want, but she always portrayed herself as being above the rest of these women who engage in the sex for money industry. Well the formal one. And yet here we are.
So I come to you, humbly, curious about what does one who has reached their zenith stand to gain. Why put yourself before the Internet firing squad for what really amounts to attention that doesn’t translate into even bitcoins? At least the Internet got fun out of it. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t better for it. But nobody wins.
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Why ‘Happily Ever After’ Feels Like a Full-Time Job
Why ‘Happily Ever After’ Feels Like a Full-Time Job
Things Men Talk About When Women Aren’t Looking
Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
Things Black People Say?
What Really Works For Us Chicks
Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**
Nas’ implusivity gives him huge blind spots though, and none are bigger than the fact that “Daughters” — a song Nas made to protect his daughter and profess his love for her — shits on his own daughter! He leads both of the song’s first two verses with information putting his daughter’s business and, ultimately, her reputation on full blast.
From verse two:
This morning I got a call, nearly split my wig
This social network said “Nas go and get ya kid”
She’s on Twitter, I know she ain’t gon post no pic
Of herself underdressed, no inappropriate shit, right
Her mother cried when she answered
Said she don’t know what got inside this child’s mind, she planted
A box of condoms on her dresser then she Instagrammed it
Forget about cutting off your nose to spite your face, “Daughters” cuts off his face to spite his face. Mind you, his daughter isn’t a seven year old who won’t quite grasp what her dad is rapping about or a grown-ass 27 year old who could deal with it, but a 17 year old girl — a person at the age where something like this has the best chance of having a negative impact on her life. Oh, and how do I know she’s a 17 year old girl? He leads the video with her f*cking birthday!
I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised by the cognitive dissonance Nas’ exhibited when creating this song and the accompanying video. It’s typical Nas (shit, it’s typical “rapper”) and, with all this being said, I do definitely appreciate the idea, effort, and (presumed) intent behind “Daughters.” As far as “rappers rapping about their kids” goes, it’s not in the same league as “Retrospect for Life,” but I do think it has a bit of a chance to eventually become (slightly) less annoying with repeated listens.
But, while I forgave Nas for “Braveheart Party,” “Nastradamus,” and “You Owe Me,” I don’t know if I can forgive him doing the ultimate disservice — making me agree with Carmen Bryan.
Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
Things Black People Say?
What Really Works For Us Chicks
Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**
Nas’ implusivity gives him huge blind spots though, and none are bigger than the fact that “Daughters” — a song Nas made to protect his daughter and profess his love for her — shits on his own daughter! He leads both of the song’s first two verses with information putting his daughter’s business and, ultimately, her reputation on full blast.
From verse two:
This morning I got a call, nearly split my wig
This social network said “Nas go and get ya kid”
She’s on Twitter, I know she ain’t gon post no pic
Of herself underdressed, no inappropriate shit, right
Her mother cried when she answered
Said she don’t know what got inside this child’s mind, she planted
A box of condoms on her dresser then she Instagrammed it
Forget about cutting off your nose to spite your face, “Daughters” cuts off his face to spite his face. Mind you, his daughter isn’t a seven year old who won’t quite grasp what her dad is rapping about or a grown-ass 27 year old who could deal with it, but a 17 year old girl — a person at the age where something like this has the best chance of having a negative impact on her life. Oh, and how do I know she’s a 17 year old girl? He leads the video with her f*cking birthday!
I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised by the cognitive dissonance Nas’ exhibited when creating this song and the accompanying video. It’s typical Nas (shit, it’s typical “rapper”) and, with all this being said, I do definitely appreciate the idea, effort, and (presumed) intent behind “Daughters.” As far as “rappers rapping about their kids” goes, it’s not in the same league as “Retrospect for Life,” but I do think it has a bit of a chance to eventually become (slightly) less annoying with repeated listens.
But, while I forgave Nas for “Braveheart Party,” “Nastradamus,” and “You Owe Me,” I don’t know if I can forgive him doing the ultimate disservice — making me agree with Carmen Bryan.
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